HTTP requests with API rest - Arduino

Hi, I am trying to make a http request from arduino, I have an arduino UNO and an internet module, what I am trying to do is with a temperature sensor to store that information in a database by means of an api that realizes In php, I was searched and searched but I could not find how to make a request http post, I need to assign a header since in the header I should send a token, and read the documentation from the library Ethernet.h but still nothing :frowning:

I appreciate you please help me!

Thank you.

You're on the right track with "construct a header"; take a look at PHP's "header()" function. Googling "php construct post request" might help.

Best of luck!


What API? (link to documentation)

What PHP script are you currently using? (You didnt post)

Have you tried this locally first?

Install a local copy of WAMP server...

create and call your ..php script.. see if it is saving to the database/table correctly?