HTTPS secure connections w/ GiGa R1

I need a secure connection and can't find a way to do it. Can anyone suggest ideas?

use WiFiSSLClient

Thanks! Can you share a code sample? I am using ArduinoBearSSL and compiler is getting stuck in either sslClient.setTrustAnchors(new BearSSL::X509List(cert)); expression or this one BearSSL::X509List cert(root_ca);. It does not recognize BearSSL. Any suggestions?

the Mbed Core's WiFi library uses SSL from Mbed. just use WiFiSSLClient instead of WiFiClient

Thanks! Will try it !

One question, Juraj, I just
WiFiSSLClient sslClient; and then sslClient.connect(server, 443); (after begin and all the rest). No need to sync time or use certificates or anything?

I don't know the details.

WiFiSSLClient has appendCustomCACert

Simpler than what I thought! Just had to use WiFiSSLClient client; and the rest was normal operations. Thanks for the help!