HUMI-01 OSEPP Humidity and Temperatur Sensor Module

Hi everyone. I am a rookie with the Arduino and more a java programmer yet then C++. I have a connect issue with this sensor so I went to look around the web, on Youtube, forums and still can't correct this issue. I am not even sure anymore that the sensor might be a factory defect.

I am using the DHTlib as posted on the manufacturer website. There is a slight difference between the + and Signal which are inverted as opposed to the majority of sensor I saw on the website.

I have attached screenshots to this topic. I am using many test examples from Rob Tillaart DHT lib but changing the PIN to 0. I did try to move to another analog pin and even digital.

I hope this is enough information to get help. If you think more is needed, please let me know. Thanks everyone in advance for your time and help.

For those who might care (not a lot so far), It looks like the the pins on the sensor are inverted. + seems to be S and and S seems to be +. Looks like it connects now but I am still getting an Ack Low error.

Anybody ???