Humidity and temperature monitor

New to Arduino. Wants to build a device to monitor humidity and temperature in the attic. What parts should I buy to get started?

What parts should I buy to get started?

A C programming book. When you get through that, get a C++ book. When you are through with that, then get an Arduino.

I'm pretty sure you've made no effort to search for any answers yourself, or you would have found dozens of choices.


What parts should I buy to get started?

An Arduino, an LCD and a DHT22 would be a nice starter for your application and if you want to send it to your PC you might need an ethernet (or wifi) shield.
There are starter kits that will learn you more like analog readings and blinking leds etc

As PaulS said: take time to learn the programming language of Arduino, the tutorial section, the reference section of have many good examples and yes there are some faulty sketches (programs) there too ... Give all those programs a try and you will learn a lot.

The playground contains a lot of libraries and bigger programs, and the forum even more ...

Hi robtillaart, Thanks for the info, that's what I am looking for!

you're welcome,

you might have a look at this library - Arduino Playground - DHTLib -

do you just want to monitor the temp/humi or do you want to add alarm levels too in your sketch?
too cold/hot/wet/dry combination

Just to monitor remotely for now. As I move forward, it might be of interests to add 'features'.