hx711 not found from the I2C scanner

Hello, I have successfully used an HX711 breakout board to create a scale with a load cell sensor, where the HX711 is connected to the SDC and SDA pins of the MCU (tried in both Arduino UNO and ESP32-based boards).

I tried though the I2C scanner library (Arduino Playground - I2cScanner) to get its i2c address, but the scanner does not find it.

So I wanted to ask if the hx711 uses i2c for communication with the MCU. Moreover, would it be possible to connect to the same i2c (SDA, SDC) bus also other devices?


So I wanted to ask if the hx711 uses i2c for communication with the MCU.


Moreover, would it be possible to connect to the same i2c (SDA, SDC) bus also other devices?

Yes, the I2C bus is designed to be able to support multiple devices.

Thanks Pylon for the quick reply.

So since the HX711 does not use i2c, then (if I understand correctly) I cannot plug it at the same bus where other i2c devices are connected, right?


So since the HX711 does not use i2c, then (if I understand correctly) I cannot plug it at the same bus where other i2c devices are connected, right?

That's correct. And you cannot connect multiple HX711 to the same two pins.

And you cannot connect multiple HX711 to the same two pins.

You can share the clock signals.

Great, thanks a lot both of you guys for the information!

Best regards,