Hx711 with Strain Gauge

Hello! I'm using an Omega 2-lead strain gauge (Pre-Wired Strain Gauges for Easy Installation), reading from a shield with an Hx711 (https://www.amazon.com/DIYmall-Weighing-Conversion-Sensors-Microcontroller/dp/B010FG9RXO/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_147_t_0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=MAZ7MPSVCKXWY7J3DQ3H).

I'm using the code below to read out data from the Hx711. I'd like to measure strain, which I can do if I can see the original voltage outputted by the strain gauge. When I measure my Wheatstone bridge with a multimeter, I read somewhere in the order of a few milivolts. The amplified signal outputs around 3x106. Is there a way I can use the output from the amplifier to extract the voltage in milivolts? Is there a simply way to determine what gain the amplifer has? From what I know the Hx711 can have three gains: 32, 64, 128.

/* This program takes 10 samples from LC + HX711B at
   1-sec interval and then computes the average.*/

unsigned long x = 0, y = 0;
unsigned long dataArray[10];
int j = 0;
void setup()
  pinMode(A1, INPUT); //data line  //Yellow cable
  pinMode(A0, OUTPUT);  //SCK line  //Orange cable

void loop()

  for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
    digitalWrite(A0, LOW);//SCK is made LL
    while (digitalRead(A1) != LOW) //wait until Data Line goes LOW
      for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)  //read 24-bit data from HX711
        clk();      //generate CLK pulse to get MSB-it at A1-pin
        bitWrite(x, 0, digitalRead(A1));
        x = x << 1;
      clk();  //25th pulse
      y = x;
      x = 0;
    dataArray[j] = y;

  Serial.println("===averaging process=========");
  unsigned long sum = 0;

  for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
    sum += dataArray[j];
  Serial.print("Average Count = ");
  sum = sum / 10;

void clk()
  digitalWrite(A0, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(A0, LOW);

I'm happy to provide more detail if needed.

The amplified signal outputs around 3x106.

3 x 106calories? Watts? Miles?

Hi, Paul. Right, that is part of my issue. I don't understand how/why the code outputs the values as such. (I found this code from another Hx711 + Strain Gauge Arduino forum). As a result, I'm not sure what the units of 3x106 are. Or it may be a unitless ratio since the value is extracted from relating the A0 input from the SCK pin of the Hx711 and the A1 input from the DT pin of the the Hx711. Any insight into why the code is written the way it is would also be appreciated.

Please look at the datasheet. the Value is dimensionless, you need to calibrate it in respect to "something" (where "something" usually is weight.