Hydrogen fuel cells.

Anyone got any experience of these.
Im planning to run arduino off a battery and periodicly switching on the fuel cell to recharge it.

This or similar.

Does any one know if similar methanol based cels are available ?

Example above has limited hydrogen storage capacity, im looking for something bigger.

Where are you getting hydrogen from? Making your own by separating water molecules?

I prefer the idea of the ones that run off butane. Far more convenient. Unfortunately they seem pretty hard to source nowadays and rather pricey when you find them.

Same co makes an electrolytic separator and pump for recharging.
Pricey though.

Some shops do a recharging service for £4 per canister.

Butane, not found an available one yet, again the canisters are small i think.

I may have to hack or engineer an adapter to usea seperace cylinder in either case.

How about natural gas? Or propane? Could refill from the tank for the barbeque.

Btw, butane ones are actually hydrogen cells but the gas is reformed by the cell first which makes them more expensive.

Butane, not found an available one yet, again the canisters are small i think.

They are small but can be refilled with cigarette lighter fuel.

Yes but im trying to avoid the refilling, ideally i would like it to last long enough for an entire nesting season without refill.

How about natural gas? Or propane? Could refill from the tank for the barbeque.

That would be my choice from a cost pov but i have yet to find a butane one.

Smallest methanol one is ;40 watts and costs about 2000.

Istr years back that methanol cells might be used as a supply for laptops but i think the technology has failed to come up to affordable levels.