Hydrogen WiFi shield - Looking for libraby and specs

I have a Hydrogen WiFi shield from way back when. It was made by DIY Sandbox but their website (diysandbox.com) seems to be gone. I'm looking for a library for this shield so I can put to use.I found their WireFree library on GitHub but I don't know how to build or import it. If anyone can offer assistance I would appreciate it, thank you.

I searched myself for them on GITHUB and found no repos.

You may have to bit the bullet and get a newer one if you don't have the libs for it.

Normally I can find many things but this was a PITA.


I searched myself for them on GITHUB and found no repos.

You may have to bit the bullet and get a newer one if you don't have the libs for it.

Normally I can find many things but this was a PITA.

Thanks very much Bob.

I found this on GitHub:

With a little effort I was able to get it to compile, but the examples don't work. I could put a bunch more effort into it but given the company seems to be gone and the hardware is obsolete, there is only so much effort I want to put in to saving $45 buck for a new card.

I just ordered a MKR WIFI 1010, and that will work with the IoT cloud if I choose to go that route.

I guess I'll put this shield back on the shelf. Maybe it will come in handy someday.

Thanks again!