I am a super noob.

Okay, so a while back I decided to learn to use arduino for a personal project. Someone refrenced me to a nice little pcb called the iDuino, it's a breadboardable cheap arduino clone.

So, today it came in, and with much delight I soldered the little piece of kit together. I plugged it in and to my delight the pin 13 led proceeded to pulse, and the power led came on.

So, taking this one step at a time you know. I can't figure out why it wont let me send a program to the board. Every time I try, I get back the following:

Binary sketch size: 1124 bytes (of a 14336 byte maximum)

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51

Wouldany of you like to offer an idiot advice? It'e perfectly reasonble I ed it up soldering it together; but I do not think I did as there are no glaring shorts or anything I can find.


^^ there's the page I got the thing from. It's adorable little pulsing led is taunting the out of me.


I realize that's not jack for detail, so here's some:

-no heat, and it's been plugged in a good ten minutes. I believe this is a good sign with electronics. (no explosions/fire... :P)

-using a USB A/B cable.

-tried hitting the button before, after, etc.

-"tools -> serial port -> 'COM 1'" is checked

-board set to Diecimila in the sketch program.

EDIT: damn you're fast. I'll cover that thread, thx.

well, for other idiots out there, remember you gotta have drivers for EVERYTHING! There is no magic!!! augh!

3 | Locate the USB drivers

If you are using a USB Arduino, you will need to install the drivers for the FTDI chip on the board. These can be found in the drivers/FTDI USB Drivers directory of the Arduino distribution. In the next step ("Connect the board"), you will point Window's Add New Hardware wizard to these drivers.

The latest version of the drivers can be found on the FTDI website.

I spend my days re-installing drivers where I work, it's so simple and yet I completely forgot for some reason I just thought it would work.

So, anyway, sweet sweet success. You are a saint.

P.S. It's 1 in the morning and i'm a little intoxiacated.

good to hear its sorted...... :-*

Well, it was working last night, but this morning it doesn't. Now i'm getting:

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x30
avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51

yuck. It was stuck on a breadboard all night so there's not much margin for physical error...

I am trying to get it working on my vista PC. Not sure if it still works on the XP one, but it also doesn't work with a third XP computer. Now when it gets plugged in the power light blinks once and nothing else happens.

Well it still works with the original pc, and upon reprogramming it with that pc it now works on the two others I have.
