I am curious about the 'WDT' function of the HT1621 LCD

I am curious about the 'WDT' function of the HT1621 LCD.

Reference URL: Wiring the 6 Digit 7 Segment 2.4 Inch HT1621 LCD Display Module on Microcontroller | 14core.com

F1, F2 ~ F128
Q1) What does this mean?
Q2) If I set the frequency low, does power consumption go down?
Q3) I don't know how to enter the command to use the 'F1' function.

From looking at the Arduino libraries supporting this chip, the WDT commands are not used or supported.

For WDT information, refer to the Functional Description of this data sheet.

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Your link is a project, what is its relevance to your question.

WDT (Watch Dog Timer) is a counter/timing block that drives a pin low when it times out. This can be used to reset the processor or indicate a problem to the processor. You need to reset it on a regular basis before it times out. When the code fails it is assumed you will not be accessing the WDT and it will time out driving INT\ low. Is it the best solution no, but it is a common solution for lost code.

"A watchdog timer, sometimes called a computer operating properly timer, is an electronic or software timer that is used to detect and recover from computer malfunctions. Wikipedia "

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Interrupt request enable bits

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A watch dog timer is also needed in data communications with multiple devices with addresses that are connected to a single data line. The devices are polled and if one does not respond before the WDT times out, that address is marked to limit the polling so as to not slow down the whole process. Intermittent polling may be done to see if the device ever becomes active.

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