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Please post your full sketch, using code tags when you do
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ld is the linker. Go to Definition will take you to the header. So that's there, and your .ino will compile, because by including the header, you're saying, "There's going to be a function named this, and it's going to take these parameters with these types." However, #include will let you grab any file from anywhere; if you find yourself "reaching", that might be the first clue that something is wrong.
You've gotten past the compile stage, and you have a module for your .ino(s), and each one of the library files you used (both board platform libraries like WiFi and third-party libraries like ArduinoJson). Now the linker's job is to "connect the dots", and you get the errors: "They said there was going to be this function with this signature, and it's not here," twice. Did you ever compile the code -- the actual implementation -- that goes with that header?
Looks like the code is some variant of kyber, and the header is kem.h -- the signatures are a bit different. The corresponding implementation is kem.c, which itself includes a bunch of headers with their own implementations, all in the same directory. They all need to be compiled.
If you place that directory under a directory in your sketch named src, then the arduino-cli back-end will find them and try to compile everything. For example, you could try moving the whole Git repo
(all source files here)
Then the header would be used with
#include "src/kyber/ref/kem.h"
However, this very well may not "just work". There are some specific instructions to build this, which may not be applied when arduino-cli builds it. But who knows -- it's worth a try.