I am having difficulty attempting to use either the "Picopixel.h" or "TomThumb.h

I am having difficulty attempting to use either the "Picopixel.h" or "TomThumb.h" font files in my sketch.

I am programming to a Genuino Mega 2560 driving a 64x64 Led Matrix.

Use of the standard font works OK, but is too large for my project. I am desiring to use one of the smaller fonts.

Can someone help me either learn how to load the file or create my own font file.
Many thanks in advance

I'm assuming this question is about some library or sketch you found somewhere. Please post a link to it.

What did you try? What problem did you encounter?

This was a "matrix demo" found online.
The sketch in its original form was fine.
I want to use a smaller font in my sketch, I think a 4x6 font will work.

Here is the link to the sketch I am working on...


here it is in code form

/* Code by Maddy McGee
 * Updated 7/2/18
 * https://www.hackster.io/Maddy
 * https://www.hackster.io/Maddy/using-the-dfrobot-rgb-led-matrix-921141?f=1
 * Results: White text that says "LED MATRIX" stays on the screen for 2000ms.
 * Then the text changes color through the rainbow and moves from the bottom of the screen to the top of the screen.
#include <DFRobot_RGBMatrix.h> // Hardware-specific library
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
//#include "Dialog_plain_5.h"
#include "FreeMono9pt7b.h"

//variables for all DFRobot RGB Matrix programs
#define OE    9
#define LAT   10
#define CLK   11
#define A     A0
#define B     A1
#define C     A2
#define D     A3
#define E     A4
#define WIDTH 64
#define HEIGHT 64

DFRobot_RGBMatrix matrix(A, B, C, D, E, CLK, LAT, OE, false, WIDTH, HEIGHT);

//variables for this specific program
boolean isDown;//determines if the text is moving down
int y;//y position of the text
int c;//counter for changing text color
uint16_t text;//the text color 
const uint16_t BACK = matrix.Color333(0, 0, 0);//the background color is black

void setup() {
  text = matrix.Color333(7, 7, 7); //set text color to white
  isDown = true;//text is moving down at start
  y = 2;//text starts in the middle
  // fill with the background color
  // format text and display before starting motion
  matrix.setTextSize(1);// size 1 is 8 'pixels' or LEDs tall
  matrix.setCursor(2, y);


void loop() {
  //clear previous text
  matrix.setCursor(2, y);

 //move next text
  if (isDown){
      isDown = false;
      isDown = true;
  //change color for next text
  } else{
    c = 0;
  //print new text
  matrix.setCursor(2, y);


// Changes variable text to a color based on input integer from 0 to 43
// If the input is to great color is white, if the input is too low color is black
// As the input increments the colors change red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta, back to almost red
void changeTextColor(int pos) {
    //negative input, black
    text = matrix.Color333(0, 0, 0);
  } else if(pos < 7) {
    //red to yellow
    text = matrix.Color333(7, pos, 0);
  } else if(pos < 15) {
    //yellow to green
    text = matrix.Color333(14-pos, 7, 0);
  } else if(pos < 22) {
    //green to cyan
    text = matrix.Color333(0, 7, pos-14);
  } else if(pos < 30){
    //cyan to blue
    text = matrix.Color333(0, 29-pos, 7);
  } else if(pos < 37){
    //blue to magenta
    text = matrix.Color333(pos-29, 0, 7);
  } else if(pos < 44){
    //magenta to red
    text = matrix.Color333(7, 0, 44-pos);
  } else {
    //input out of bounds, white
    text = matrix.Color333(7, 7, 7);