I want to use the Arduino as an ISP programmer (just for programming barebones ATMEGA using C) and I have the following problem. So I use the ArduinoISP code that comes in default with the Arduino IDE, upload the code, all good and then:
avrdude: Device signature = 0x000000
avrdude: Yikes! Invalid device signature.
Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
this check.
avrdude done. Thank you.
As far as connections go, I don't think I made any mistake. I compare the datasheet of the 328P-PU and what I've done on the breadboard and I double-check the wiring to the Arduino and I fail to see a problem. I assume that using -F is unsafe. What should I do? Here is a picture. It's taken from my laptop so I apologize for the poor quality. http://i.imgur.com/4k4LRbK.jpg
I am a beginner in bash, programming and electronics so I apologize if I make any dumb mistake.
Cannot tell if your breadboard is connect to the Arduino power supply correctly.
Some bread boards need jumpers in the middle each of the 4 power rails.
Sorry for the silly question but how do I know if I have it configured as an external clock?
Cannot tell if your breadboard is connect to the Arduino power supply correctly.
Some bread boards need jumpers in the middle each of the 4 power rails.
There isn't any problem with what you said (I tried turning on a LED in various parts of the breadboard by connecting it to 5V and GND) but there is something odd going on that I can't explain. When I connect the power rail to the 5V on the Arduino, the hearbeat LED and the "currently programming LED" light up and all seems fine. But when I connect ground to to the Arduino's ground, no LED lights up. Is this supposed to happen or did I do something wrong?