I am trying to write and read i2c using an ESP32 board

I am a beginner with Arduino.
I am trying to write and read i2c using an ESP32 board.
i2c writing has been done.
But I couldn't read the register.
I want 0x0A to be called at registor address 0x09.
The source code is as below.
The logic analyzer results are as follows.

#include <Wire.h>

byte REGISTER_XY = 0X09;
byte READ_LENGTH = 1;

void setup()
Wire.setClock(100000); // set I2C 'full-speed'

void loop()
Wire.write(0X09); // set register for write
Wire.write(0X0A); // set register for write
Wire.endTransmission(); // false to not release the line

Wire.beginTransmission(0X3B); // Begin communication with slave address  (0X3B)
Wire.write(0X09); // set register for read
Wire.endTransmission(false); // Send the restart condition

Wire.requestFrom(0X3B, 1); // Perform read request from slave address 0X3B and read 1 byte from the register that it is pointed at (0X09)
byte READ = Wire.read(); // Read the byte that was received


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Your topic was MOVED to its current forum category as it is more suitable than the original

When you posted your code without code tags did you receive a warning message ?

are you sure of the device address (0x3b)?
do you have pull-up resistors?
is register address 9 writable?
what device are you communicating with?

this is the sequence i use to read

    Wire.beginTransmission (chip);
    Wire.write (port);    
    Wire.endTransmission ();

    Wire.requestFrom (chip, 1); //get 1 byte
    byte val =  Wire.read ();

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