Strange things happened when I try recently brought Pro Mini 5V 16M.
I can't upload the sketch by serial port (usb to serial), but uploading using Parallel Programmer succeeds. But again can not burn bootloader with Parallel Programmer (only sketch upload works).
- Tried 2 diff. Usb to Serial cable but stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00 error
- Tried to burn bootloader with Parallel Programmer but have verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x7800
I ensure proper selection like board, serial port, connection, baud rates etc. but no success
So I try upload the code using Parallel Programmer and it worked. But every time I've to upload using programmer.
My question is weather these cheap Pro Mini (from china) have any issue in the chip's bootloader or fuse settings. Or I'm wrong somewhere. Why uploading sketch (via parallel programmer) works & burning the bootloader not working.
Pl. suggest any solution if anyone have this issue.
The Pro Mini is probably fine. The parallel programmer is not the best thing to use.
A parallel programmer does a brute force and blind programming. It sends code to addresses which may not even exist on the target chip. When you send a sketch using the programmer, the sketch goes into low memory starting at address 0000. Bootloaders go into high memory, starting at word address 3C00 on the Pro Mini. It appears you selected a board such as a Mega with a 64K flash area in the menu Tools, Board before you clicked Burn Bootloader. It wrote the Mega bootloader in flash memory starting at word address 7800. Since the ATmega328P on your Pro Mini has flash memory in the word range 0000 to 3FFF, when it tried to read a higher address for verification it got junk or nothing back.
Using another Arduino as an ISP programmer is more fully featured and it won't let you try to do things like write to the wrong chip, it verifies you are writing to the correct chip before it goes to work.
Thanks for your reply. I'll try using another Arduino as ISP.
The information is certainly useful. I'll double check all the things again & reply any updates.