I can't connect to RP2040, Arduino IoT Cloud doesn't see it

The Arduino RP2040 Connect doesn't connect to Ardunio IoT Cloud. I've used the cloud service before, had trouble then, but made it through. I can see my old device (Arduino Nano 33 IoT), but when I try to set up a new device, it doesn't find the RP2040. What I have tried:

  • reset board
  • unplugged board
  • restarted Arduino Create Agent
  • reinstalled Arduino Create Agent
  • cleared cache
  • unblocked pop-ups
    Not sure what else to try, any ideas?


You can try these steps:

  1. Use one of the methods at https://support.arduino.cc/hc/en-us/articles/4404168794514-Nano-RP2040-Connect-not-being-detected-on-USB-port to reset the board (try each one of them)
  2. Use a different brower or install a new (updated) version of the one you have if clearing cache did not help.
  3. Use a data USB cable that you are sure works, that is fault free and is good quality.
  4. Uninstall the Create Agent https://support.arduino.cc/hc/en-us/articles/360014869840-Uninstall-the-Arduino-Create-Agent and then reinstall with admin rights https://support.arduino.cc/hc/en-us/articles/360014869820-Install-the-Arduino-Create-Agent
  5. Ensure that you remove the same device proviously added as a "device" in the IoT cloud.
  6. Try again to add the device (after checking if it works well with the IDE)

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