hello guys.. please help...
i have this code which will display only one line in my text file. and it works properly in my LCD
SD_File = SD.open("min.txt");
cr = SD_File.read();
if((cr == '\n'))
only 12 characters each line...
now i want to get only 6 characters and display it in col. 0 row 1
the other 6 characters will display in col. 0 row 2...
when i used the Serial.print() funtion it works properly...
but when i want to display on my LCD... its not working...
here's my example code:
credit = String(cr); // i dont know if it is correct, i converted char to string...
lcd.print(credit.substring(0, 5)); //get the first 6 characters
lcd.setCursor(0,1); //display in column 0, row 1
lcd.print(credit.substring(6, 11)); //get the 7th-12th character
please help.. thank u