I can't display what I want on my console

Hello everyone ,
I have a small problem with my program, I can't display what I want on my console.
If you could help me that would be nice.
just below, thanks again !


  • Code d'exemple pour un capteur à ultrasons HC-SR04.

/* Constantes pour les broches */
const byte TRIGGER_PIN = 6; // Broche TRIGGER
const byte ECHO_PIN = 5; // Broche ECHO

/* Constantes pour le timeout */
const unsigned long MEASURE_TIMEOUT = 25000UL; // 25ms = ~8m à 340m/s

/* Vitesse du son dans l'air en mm/us */
const float SOUND_SPEED = 340.0 / 1000;

float distance;

/** Fonction setup() */
void setup() {

/* Initialise le port série */

/* Initialise les broches */
digitalWrite(TRIGGER_PIN, LOW); // La broche TRIGGER doit être à LOW au repos

/** Fonction loop() */
void loop()


if(distance >= 10)
Serial.println("pas de spray");
Serial.println("spray enclenché");



float mesure_dist()
/* 1. Lance une mesure de distance en envoyant une impulsion HIGH de 10µs sur la broche TRIGGER */
digitalWrite(TRIGGER_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(TRIGGER_PIN, LOW);

/* 2. Mesure le temps entre l'envoi de l'impulsion ultrasonique et son écho (si il existe) /
long measure = pulseIn(ECHO_PIN, HIGH, MEASURE_TIMEOUT);
3. Calcul la distance à partir du temps mesuré */
float distance_mm = measure / 2.0 * SOUND_SPEED;

/Serial.print(F("Distance: "));/
distance = (distance_mm / 10.0, 2);
/*Serial.print(F("cm, ")); */
return distance;

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Thank you.

You didn't call this function. You only implemented it.

This line of code doesn't make any sense. It will actually assign the value 2 to distance.
distance = (distance_mm / 10.0, 2);

Here the delay(500) will never be executed.

return distance;

In each case, you delay. That is redundant. If you always do it, take it out of the 'if else'.

if(distance >= 10)
Serial.println("pas de spray");
Serial.println("spray enclenché");

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