I can't Setup Clone Arduino Driver

Guys,I got a problem with clone arduino (ch340g).I setup driver but when it finish,it says '' The driver is successfully Pre-installed in advance''.I think in normal situation it should say ''Driver install success''.Help please.

Is the board working? If so, then don't worry about that message. If not, then describe the problem.

Is the board working? If so, then don't worry about that message. If not, then describe the problem.

Nope,when I go to Serial Port Screen,it says ''Board at COM1 is not available''.

You need to select the board's port from the Tools > Port menu.

It doesn't work ::slight_smile:

P_20180912_180922.jpg - Google Drive I think I must buy original Arduino :frowning:

It doesn't work ::slight_smile:


By the above, shadowofblack means the Tools > Port menu is grayed out.

Are you using the official CH340 driver from the manufacturer's website?:

Do you see a new device appear on your system (in Device Manager if using Windows or the equivalent if using another operating system) after you connect your board to the computer via the USB cable?