I created four objects, but the later three objects need to wait until the method execution of the first object is completed

I used a to create an LED object. The twinkle function exists in the object.

Twinkle has a delay function that uses millis () to judge the delayed execution without using the delay function

But I created five led objects at the same time, and the first one executed twinkle

As a result, the other four objects need to wait until the first twinkle is executed.


    BrakedObj.setInit(BRAKE_LED, true);
    BrakedObj.twinkle(5, false);


   TurnLeftDefaultObj.setInit(LEFT_TURN_LED_DEFAULT, true); 

    TurnLeftSecondObj.setInit(LEFT_TURN_LED_SECOND, true);

    TurnRightDefaultObj.setInit(RIGHT_TURN_LED_DEFAULT, true); 

    TurnRightSecondtObj.setInit(RIGHT_TURN_LED_SECOND, true);  


ledobj::twinkle(int frequency, bool state)
    int i = 0; 
     next_duration = millis() + duration;

    while (i < frequency)
        if (millis() > next_duration)
            next_duration = millis() + duration;
            if (ledOpen)

            if (i >= frequency && !state)


It looks like the problem is the while loop. Consider using if instead of while so that the code is not blocked in the while loop

Yes, you have created a more useful delay() function, it's still blocking the rest of your code :slight_smile:

Try something like this example : led_blink_class_example.ino - Wokwi Arduino and ESP32 Simulator

Thank you. I've solved the problem

Yes, it looks really stupid. I've solved it in a different way

For the benfit of others who may find this topic please share your solution

I canceled while, exposed a method in the object, and used the loop function to execute the exposed method. The original while was changed to if


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