Doing the code in the IDE before I have received my Arduino kit, my OUTPUT and HIGH do not change color. Version 2.0.3. Also I note this version has numbered code lines. Any comment? Edit, I have received my UNO kit and made several sketches, and still the parameters OUTPUT or INPUT do not change color. Has that been dropped in the later revisions?
I followed Paul McWhorter's Tutorials and that color highlighting was mentioned, but I don't see it.
That was in 1.x.x version, so a while back.
I like that highlighting and find it helpful as a beginner.
Arduino IDE 2.x uses an industry standard C++ code highlighting system. This new system has a much better understanding of the C++ language than the more primitive highlighting system of Arduino IDE 1.x, meaning it actually does a better job of highlighting C++ code in general. Unfortunately, this also means it doesn't know anything about the Arduino-specific keywords like OUTPUT and HIGH so there are specific cases where it is inferior to the old system.
Unlike the Arduino IDE 1.x highlighter, the system used by Arduino IDE 2.x doesn't have any provision for defining custom keywords, which makes it technically difficult for Arduino to add a knowledge of the Arduino-specific keywords to the Arduino IDE 2.x highlighter.
This is tracked by the Arduino IDE developers here:
If you have a GitHub account, you can subscribe to that issue to get notifications of any new developments related to this subject.
For now, my advice is to not worry too much about the color of things in Arduino IDE. The important thing is what the compiler thinks about your code.