If you look at the class definition in the lcd library (whichever one it is that you are using), you will (probably) see that the class derives from the Print class.
The lcd.print() function that is actually invoked is one of the Print::print() methods.
The autoCenter addition would be nice, but be sure to consider that happens if the user then specifies a cursor position to write to, and what happens if the text doesn't all fit on one line. Be sure to accommodate all LCD widths and heights that the base library supports.
Thank you a lot, i am new in C++, and i am learning at the time i am writting code.
for the moment i will try to add a function to the library that dont use the lcd.print() something like lcd.centerprint() and i will see if writting code i am hable to understod all the code that is into the library.
The version is the version that come with Arduino enviroment 18
Hello another time, i am looking the lcd library and it includes "Print.h" but i am looking on arduino lib and there is not a Print.h library i was looking on /usr/lib/avr/ all the folders and i down found the library but if i remember good when you import something like this "Print.h" you want to import a file that is in the same folder than the source and if you make this <print.h> you are including a standar library...