I found a C++ compiler for my PIC18F47K42 for arduino ide ! :)

ok, mates i found a C++ compiler for my PIC18F47K42 for arduino ide !!! :slight_smile: and i am ready to star making a board driver for arduino ide. BUT FROM WHERE I NEED TO START PROGRAMMING ?!?!?!?!!?

i not have idea from where to star programming the boot loader for arduino ide, already read some pdf, but have no clue about it. any suggestions about from where i need to star.

also i made a small pcb board with the same pic processor to have a hardware for new driver board software. here is a picture of the board. it is simple, just a chip, power supply and ch340 usb bridge to serial port, but is not on board on picture. and some leds for test basic software for a driver board in beginning. any help about how to i need to start for programming driver board for this board for arduino ide ??? bet regards in front to all :slight_smile:

Microchip offers a free C compiler that works with MPLAB.

If you have a PIC programmer, you don't need a bootloader.

A quick look-about and it appears that an Arduino Uno (similar) can be made to be a programmer for the PIC microcontroller.

GitHub - jaromir-sukuba/a-p-prog: 8-bit PIC programmer built around AVR/Arduino platform. Just because I can.

There appears to be some "hits" around the topic of bootloader for your PIC family. However, IMO, I would stay away from bootloaders and just use a programmer to move the binary file to the PIC device.

serial "bootloader" PIC18F47K42 at DuckDuckGo

so, i have a pickit 2 from 15 years and pickit 3 from 10 years. and work with pic micro from long long time ago in this galaxy for all my projects in my old and new web site, plc systems and so on. and also have a boot loader working system i made for win 10.
BUT THE POINT IS to make my board to work and compile and upload trough arduino ide like all other boards that can unclude with jason link. like a normal all others micro controller boards in world. understand ???

that link that you send to me is so cool man. thank you very mach. in the list of supported devices have a my exactly same model of pic micro. will check it out how to make it work with this software.

BUT HOW I WILL LINK THE BOARD WITH ARDUINO IDE, and how to write a necessary driver software for arduino ide and make it work fine for compiling and upload to board ???

microchip have a CLI compiler all in one named XC8 for 8 bit pic micro and XC32 for 32 bit pic micro. that i not problem to have a CLI command and call them from what a software is need.

but how to make a connection between a arduino ide and bootloader in pic micro. also need to board invoke in board menu in arduino ide and so on and so on ?????????????????????????

The documentation for the Arduino boards platform framework is here:


You will find it useful to use existing platforms as a reference. These are the three Arduino boards platforms I'm aware of that add support for using PIC microcontrollers (all PIC32) with Arduino IDE:


I'd be interested in learning about any others that might exist.

Very large task.

Plan on spending a couple of years of your life getting that to work, then learning that very few people have even the slightest interest in using the PIC 18F47K42 with Arduino.

i know it is not a simple task, but i am not only one who will use that. you can be sure about it. this pic micro is brand new from 2-3 years, and i and my team back in time ordered like a task to made from microchip.

they made it well and before some weeks also have a bug fix in crystal chip inside of pic micro. errata was reduced a lot and this is very good for all users.

also all this family pic micro devices PIC18(L)F27/47/57K42 Family is super cool like a crystal design, peripheral futures, and can be applied for many serous apps in hardware and software automation and more like i do in past two years.

believe me it is worth it to make a arduino connection full type hardware and software for arduino ide for this device.

ПЛК - 16 вх./изх. канала+LCD <> on this link on my old web site design you can see a 4 board plc system with this one. work like a charm with many futures and options for small to middle automation.

but i need a link to arduino ide to can sell this hardware to customers and give to them some hardware basic definition files to can start from there for them own automation programing.

correct ?? :slight_smile:

little table with all pic devices in this family and them hardware specs for a little prove about how good enough is this family https://www.microchip.com/en-us/product/PIC18F27K42

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