I got Question about CC3000

I am making an voltage/current monitor app for my windows tablet and phone.

I got 4 (12 bit) analog inputs (0-3.0Vdc) I am going to use.
I am using the Arduino DUE for reading the analog voltage.

A0 - measure 9vdc power supply
A1 - measure 5vdc power supply
A2 - measure 3.3vdc power supply
A3 - measure 9vdc power supply current using Adafruit INA169 Analog DC Current Sensor

These 4 measurements are going to be transmittet out Serial1 on the Arduino DUE.

Will look something like this:


The CC3000 Wifi is connected to the Arduino DUE Serial1.

My question is:
Will the CC3000 send the Serial1 data as it is or will it change the data?

PS! The app on my tablet/phone will turn the Serial1 data to readable data.

Will the CC3000 send the Serial1 data as it is or will it change the data?

Why would it change it ?
Why not try it and see ?

Are there any examples with the library ?

As you have not posted any code it is difficult to provide more help.