Thanks for stopping by to read my post. I have an idea which started off small and in my head it just expanded exponentially. I’m hoping you lovely people will be able to help me plan my dream and help me avoid pit falls or limitations I may not foresee.
To use a PC/Mac or Phone App to set the required information needed to set values within my arduino Aquarium Controller.
The controller will monitor various levels, record these for future downloading and send email or text alerts in case of problems. Some levels will include pH, Temperature, water level and possibly leek detection others to be added as time goes by.
The controller will run various types of aquarium peripherals. Such as Wave makers, return pumps, dosing pumps and feeders just to name a few things.
Learning goals:
Motor control: using PWM to drive motor, using shields to drive stronger motors(Wave makers), creating program to drive motor patterns and changes in intensity over a 24hr period. Creating pauses in the cycle for feeding.
Using touch screens to create menus to input information. Initially within the Arduino unit then later using a pc or phone app.
Please let me know if this is possible.
Oh yeah and not to forget to totally have fun doing it.