I have 3 low voltage DC motors and 1 servo motor needed for a project. What should I use to control them independently?

The motors are 6 volts and the servo motor is recommended for 5 volts, I am looking for any good options because I am fairly new to this kind of thing.

I have a bunch of L9110H motor drivers that I bought from Digikey. They work great.
As for the servo, as long as you have a stable voltage supply, the Arduino (of your choice or an equivalent board) will be more than enough to controller them all.

L9110H driver


Do you need to control the speed of the motors?

Do you need to control the direction of the motors?

What is the stall current or coil resistance of the motors?

I will need to control the speed of all 3 DC motors and the direction of one of them, and the stall current of all 3 is 9.1A.

For that 3rd motor, you will need a full h-bridge.

For the other 2 motors, you could use simple MOSFET drivers. Alternatively you may be able to use a single h-bridge to control both motors, if you choose carefully. You may be able to use a dual h-bridge module to control all 3 motors.

I would recommend you choose a modern h-bridge which uses MOSFET. They are much more cool and efficient than older designs like L293/L298 which use BJT or Darlington transistors.


Thank you, Do you have any recommendations for MOSFET drivers? Would this: SN74HCT139N be a good solution to control all 3 motors and have Bi-directional + speed control?

No, that's a demultiplexer. You need h-bridges or MOSFETs.

For the MOSFETs, you could use IRLZ44. Connect their gates to Arduino PWM pins (current limiting resistor is a good idea here, like 330R). Also attach 10K pulldown resistors to those Arduino pins. You must also attach flyback diodes across the motor terminals, 1N400x series would be ok I think.

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Take a good look at the "Medium-power motor drivers" section on this page:

You may not need a driver capable of withstanding the full 9A+ stall current of your motor because some if these drivers will automatically limit the current. Also maybe look for one which can drive 2 motors independently in single direction.

Other forum members with more experience of motors and drivers may be able to help with the selection.

@JCA34F can you help with the selection of suitable driver(s)?

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What are the specs of the individual motors and servo?

I did stumble across that website but I don't know how to set up the driver boards and connect them to the Arduino and motors.

The specs for the motors are:
Operating range: 4.5 - 9.0 Volts
Nominal Voltage: 6
No Load Current: 0.28 A
Max. Efficiency Current: 1.6 A
Stall Current: 9.1 A

And the servo motor has a recommended voltage of 5 volts and a current usage of 3A (going off of an amazon listing as I currently do not own any servo motors)