I have a DC motor and I want it to turn on a very simple need, but I tried a lot of stuff but it won't work, I hooked the motor up to a small battery and it worked fine, so something is off with my code, can someone help me?
Are you trying to power the motor with an Arduino pin? That will not work. You need a transistor or motor driver to power the motor with an external power supply.
Yes, but the relay must be driven by a transistor because a pin can't, directly, drive a relay either. The external power will be required for the relay coil, too. A relay takes a certain amount of current to hold it closed. It will draw that current all the time that is is closed.
A transistor driver draws much less current and the MOSFET draws nearly 0 current.
A relay cannot accept PWM for motor speed control. A transistor or motor driver can.
So, yes, a relay will work. It is less efficient and practical, though.