i have some question about transistor

hello everyone...
please help me..
i want answers for my question for my raport...

1-explain the basic construction of transistor.
2-list different types operation of transistor.
3-define active,cut-off and saturation regions on transistor.

plz help me early


plz help me early

So when is this homework due?

Google should be your friend. I would think there is no shortage of such information on the web?


i searched for it too much but i didnt find anything...

i searched for it too much but i didnt find anything...

Well start here, and the article has a zillion links to go from there.


i searched for it too much but i didnt find anything...

Really? Your Google must be broken. Better get it fixed. I got about 64 million results.


haha Mr. gammon i mean that i didnt get the answers...tell me one answer of 64 million results

i dont understand of (list different types operation of transistor)...

haha Mr. gammon i mean that i didnt get the answers...tell me one answer of 64 million results

i dont understand of (list different types operation of transistor)...

You mean like switching operation and amplification operation?


just switching operation...

just switching operation...

That's definitely on google...I checked.

2-list different types operation of transistor.


just switching operation...

That's one operation. The assignment asks for "different types". One operation is not different from itself.