I can compile and upload a program one time and then without making any changes to the sketch when I try uploading again I get this error message:
avr-gcc: error: C:\Users\jalau\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_769854/..\arduino_cache_260658\core\core_diy_attiny_avr_attiny13_diy_version_attiny13a,boot_none,clock_9_6MHz,core_MillisCore,millis_ppm_1p6,print_BinHexDec,serial_HalfDuplexRW,lto_enable,bodlevel_2v7_807f99df2a7081cadbcaa898d8fc1fc9.a: No such file or directory
Even if I did make changes to the sketch it doesn't upload the only thing that lets me upload again is restarting the IDE.
I am using an Arduino as ISP to program an ATtiny13a using the DIY ATtiny board library
I found out why I couldn't reproduce the issue. I had File > Preferences > Aggressively Cache Compiled Core unchecked. With that option checked I can now reproduce the issue.
So the workaround is to uncheck that option.
I'm now investigating to see if I can find the actual cause of the problem.
OK, it is that the path to the .a file exceeds Windows' MAX_PATH of 260 characters. Supposedly Windows has a feature where you can prefix the long path with \?\ to increase the max path length of 32,767 characters but when I do that avr-gcc doesn't like it "Invalid argument".
There is also supposedly a registry edit you can make to remove this limitation but I already had it set and the problem still occurs for me:
So I don't know if there is a good fix for this other than to shorten the board option identifiers.
There was a similar issue with the maximum command length (something like 32,767) on Windows:
The limitation on Linux is much larger so that was only a problem on Windows.