I have to switch between tempeture and light sensor

So, yeah i have to switch between to sensor with buttons for
One button toggles the temperature measurements on/off and the other button toggles the brightness measurements on/off.
I tried a couple of times, but i didnt really know from where to start

void loop() {

What did you try? What is holding you back? What part do you need help with?

This isn't a free code writing service. Post your best attempt and we'll help you work with it.

The loop code you posted looks great. Each of those functions has a very clear name that says what it should do. Really all you need to do is write functions that do those things.

Since I see you are a fellow student at Fontys I'd recommend you as the gentlemen said to write your code and try to figure stuff by yourself ;). Plagiarism does not work. Of course, you can ask for help but do most stuff on your own