In file included from C:\Arduino\ELEGOO Smart Robot Car Kit V4.0 2023.02.01\02 Manual & Main Code & APP\02 Main Program (Arduino UNO)\TB6612 & MPU6050\SmartRobotCarV4.0_V1_20230201\ApplicationFunctionSet_xxx0.cpp:14:0:
C:\Arduino\ELEGOO Smart Robot Car Kit V4.0 2023.02.01\02 Manual & Main Code & APP\02 Main Program (Arduino UNO)\TB6612 & MPU6050\SmartRobotCarV4.0_V1_20230201\DeviceDriverSet_xxx0.h:15:10: fatal error: FastLED.h: No such file or directory #include "FastLED.h"
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Compilation error: FastLED.h: No such file or directory
This type of error tells you that the file :FastLED.h: has not been found on your system. Depending on how it is referenced will determine where it will look for it. In your case looking carefully tyhrough the code you posted it is in the #include statement <FastLED.h>