I need accurate angle measurements of someones head

I have a project for school and I need a sensor or sensors to give me an accurate angle of someone's head. Even if it's a few degrees off I could care less I just need to start somewhere. I have looked at accelerometers and gyroscopes but from what I have seen, correct me if I'm wrong, but if the object is moving an accelerometer won't give accurate angle readings because it uses gravity. For a gyroscope, I have no real idea I just know it drifts over time and that's something I can work around. But can a gyroscope get accurate angle measurements when not moving? So to sum this up I just need a sensor or group of sensors to give me an accurate angle measurement of someone's head while stationary, or moving. the number of axes that I get angles for doesn't matter 3 would be nice but if only 1 I'm perfectly fine with that. I have tried to do my own research on this but I can't come to a clear conclusion on what to buy. Thank you in advance.

Since I have a feeling someone is going to ask why even though it's not relevant if it helps. The person will be playing VR so imagine them ducking, crouching, walking around, leaning forward, just tilting their head. I need an accurate measurement of the angle the main one I need is the angle if they were to look straight up and straight down. Thank you in advance.

Explain! IS this sensor looking at the head or is it attached to the head and computes an angle to what base? The floor, a wall, ?

So the sensor is attached to their head and there will be a calibration phase where the user looks straight forward that will be the set default angle. It will compare the angle from this starting position. I also plan to have one sensor on the user's back to compare further getting rid of issues if the user were to lean back etc. The total angle that will be used is the difference between these two I just need a way to get the 2 or at least the one on the head. So in the end it will be comparing the difference in angle between their back and their head.

Google showed me several devices that might work for you.

what are these devices? I have looked at accelerometers, gyroscopes, angle, tilt, orientation. But they seem to have problems when the object is moving or stationary. unless there is a combination of a gyroscope and accelerometer with code that combats the problem of measuring angle while moving or being stationary. And if there isn't a combo then what will give me the most accurate measurement majority of the time because I believe I could code a workaround for stationary.

I looked for "arduino angle measurement".

I have also looked for those things I have done a lot of research in fact for a week now but I still am unable to decide what to buy. Will a gyroscope give accurate angle measure while the user is tilting their head up and down or moving? Would I be able to take the angle it gives right before their head stops moving as a workaround?

Face reality! At some point you just have to begin testing stuff to see if it works for you.

An accelerometer will allow you to make tilt angle measurements (a gyro won't): How_to_Use_a_Three-Axis_Accelerometer_for_Tilt_Sensing-DFRobot

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