I need help with pushbuttons I don't know what pins are what like is that one a ground or a vcc I NEED HELP
I also need to know how to make a servo turn 180 degrees and then turn back when a button is pushed
You could try the below.
//zoomkat servo button toggle test 4-28-2012
#include <Servo.h>
int button = 5; //button pin, connect to ground to move servo
int press = 0;
Servo servo;
boolean toggle = true;
void setup()
pinMode(button, INPUT); //arduino monitor pin state
servo.attach(7); //pin for servo control signal
digitalWrite(5, HIGH); //enable pullups to make pin high
void loop()
press = digitalRead(button);
if (press == LOW)
toggle = !toggle;
toggle = !toggle;
delay(500); //delay for debounce