I need help to run ILI9342C LCD display to work with 3 wire SPI Communication Protocol

I am trying to run a LCD Display which has the ILI9342C driver in it. The display that I have works on 3 wire SPI communication. It uses only three pins i.e. MOSI, SCLK and CS pin. In the datasheet, it says we need to send the D/C bit first before sending the data. Thus, we will have to send 9 bits at a time. Which I think, is not directly supported by majority of the controllers.

What I tried:-

  1. I tried to send the commands directly using the HARDWARE SPI. First I sent 0x00/(0x80/0x01) and then I sent the data.

  2. I formed a data packet by combining the D/C bit and data i.e.(D/Cbit D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) and then I am appending zero to the bytes remaining.

I also tried to send 16 bits at a time and the vacant places were filled with zeros.

  1. I tried to use the GPIOS to generate 9 bits of data manually with simple digitalWrite commands. That didn't work too.

NONE OF THESE WORKED!!! Please help me out or suggest me the best suitable library.