Thank you very much.
salatin's photo:
I'm guessing this picture didn't just appear out of thin air. Any additional information you might feel like sharing would make it more likely that you'll get a useful answer.
It appears to be a 16 stepper motor driver board. The text in the corner of the board says "Serial Stepper Controller 16".
That's right.
Thanks PaulRB.
Do I win a prize? Why did you ask the question if you already knew the answer?
Pretty impressive looking. I guess if you make a mistake a blow out one of the stepper drivers, you are looking at a very expensive replacement! I rather like the little individual stepper drivers that seem to be all the rage for 3d printer apps:
Looks like it's from the 800+ motor Sculpture: Daniel Rozin’s interactive sculpture is made of 832 moving tiles - The Verge See also Daniel Rozin Interactive Art
It seems to be what he does. Alas, I don't see anything that causes me to believe that this is a commercially available board that anyone can buy (but it looks like he goes through a LOT of them!)