Hey there,
im stuck and i could do with some help.
I am making a little pretend security pad (pretend because it wont be used for any security). the set out is nine buttons, all with pull down resistors and then two led's. One red (ledOne) and one green (ledTwo). the idea is that i set a password (pass[]) and then when i button is hit it is entered into (attempt[]). If both arrays are equal to each other then the light turns from red to green. and then after 10 seconds changes back. At the moment it is only a test so the code isnt complete and it only compares attempt[0] to pass[0] (to see if it works). The actual issues are that: when any button is pressed the light changes, and if you leave it alone for too long (a minute or so) the red light doesnt turn off and the green light is only on when you hold the button.
Here's the code, please help:
// Project - 4 Button Code
int ledOne = 13; // Red LED
int ledTwo = 12; // Green LED
int x = 0; // Set x to 0
byte pass[] = {1,2}; // Pass Code To Enter
byte attempt[2]; // Entered Code; What people entered
byte buttons[] = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; // Set Buttons
byte state[9]; // Set digitalRead states array in preperation
int time = 0; // set time measure "millis()"
int y = 0; // Another Variable set to 0
void setup() {
for (x=0; x<9; x++){
pinMode(buttons[x], INPUT); // For all the buttons set them to INPUT
pinMode(ledOne, OUTPUT);//set LEDS TO OUTPUT
pinMode(ledTwo, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(ledOne, HIGH); // Turn Red Light On
void loop(){
for (x=0; x<9; x++){// for each number 0-9
state[x] = digitalRead(buttons[x]);// Set each digital read from 2-11 in to state[0-9]
for (x=0; x<9; x++){
if (state[x] == HIGH){//see if any states are HIGH
attempt[x] = state[x];//If they are, set Attempt[x] to whichever state it was
time = millis(); // make time variable equal how long pgrams been running
if (attempt[0] == pass[0]){// if attempt[0] is equal to pass[0], greenOn()
if ((millis() - time) > 10000){//if time between last button press and now is 5 seconds set all code entries to 0
for (x=0; x<9; x++){
attempt[x] = 0;
if (attempt[0] != pass[0]){// if attempt[0] is not pass[0] turn off green return to red
void greenOn(){
digitalWrite(ledTwo, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledOne, LOW);
void greenOff(){
digitalWrite(ledTwo, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledOne, HIGH);
You have nothing in your code that waits for a key press, you just read all the buttons one after the other. Then you treat the resulting array like it was a distinct key press.
The array attempt has a size of 2 but you read it with an index of 0 to 8
You need an old state and a new state array and only look at things when the old state is not equal to the new state and if it is high.
The trick is to keep posting code as you make improvements. Start off by trying to detect when any key is pressed and then released. Then move on to what key it is. There is a lot more code you need to write for this project.
Just Updating.
I believe im doing it right at the moment, though feedback and corrections will be more then appreciated right now
int y = 0; // Set y
int x = 0; // Set x
int ledOne = 13; //Set Red LED
int ledTwo = 12; //Set Green LED
byte buttons[] = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; //Set buttons to array
byte pass[] = {2}; // Set password
byte attempt[1]; // Set attempts array
byte state[9]; // Make states array
byte oldstate[9]; // When button is hit, info added here
int time = 0;
void setup(){
pinMode(ledOne, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledTwo, OUTPUT);
for(x=0; x<9; x++){
pinMode(buttons[x], INPUT);
digitalWrite(ledOne, HIGH);
for(x=0; x<9; x++){
state[x] = digitalRead(buttons[x]); // Check states of each button
for(x=0; x<9; x++){
oldstate[x] = state[x];//Send all data to different array
void loop(){
for(x=0; x<9; x++){
state[x] = digitalRead(buttons[x]); // Check states of each button
for(x=0; x<9; x++){
if(oldstate[x] != state[x]){ //If these new states are different then the old ones
attempt[0] = buttons[x]; //Set attempt (Just first index for now) to buttons pressed
time = millis();
for(x=0; x<1; x++){
if(attempt[0] == pass[0]){
if(attempt[0] != pass[0] && (millis() - time) > 5000){
void Correct(){
digitalWrite(ledOne, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledTwo, HIGH);
void TimeOut(){
digitalWrite(ledTwo, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledOne, HIGH);
at the moment its only a test still, so it only checks to see if attemp[0] and pass[0], will change that when finished. Also it works for what it is, except the timeout doesnt work.
Only because you haven't got round to using it.
The making a copy of state into oldState needs to occours every time round the loop. Not once at the end of start up.
if the oldstate array isnt made until the end of the loop, how am i meant to compare the the state with oldstate before its even made
The array is "made" when you declare it as a global variable. Is it populated with a bunch of default values, appropriate to the type of the array. Arrays of type int, byte, long, etc. are initialized to 0 (which corresponds to LOW).
You may need a little more work in loop(). Right now, you are setting the value in attempt[0] to the pin number that changed state. This sounds good, until you consider that releasing the switch also generates a state change. So, pressing a switch will affect attempt[0] and releasing the switch will affect attempt[0]. Is this what you want? Or, do you just want to know when switch i has been pressed?