This Is A Code I Grabbed From A Tutorial Online And I Have Trouble With It.
when i want to upload the code to my arduino uno it says
expected primary-expression before 'int'
i included a comment where i have that problem, can someone fix it for me?
i am not that good of a programmer and i am new to arduino
Using an Arduino with a 120v Relay
Parts used:
--ultrasonic sensor
--desk lamp
--120v relay
--desk lighting
This sketch uses an ultrasonic sensor to detect whether
a person in near or sitting near a desk, and sends a
signal to a 120V relay to turn desk lighting on or off.
#include <NewPing.h>
const int LIGHT = 10;
const int TRIGGER = 12;
const int ECHO = 11;
NewPing sonar(TRIGGER, ECHO);
void setup(){
/* The main loop iterates every 2.5 seconds. */
void loop(){
/*In order to get a accurate measure of wether
someone is near, we read the ultrasonic sensor
30 times and take the average. That way, if the
ultrasonic sensor reads sporadically as it
occasionaly does, those values will be averaged out.
This takes 0.05 * 30 = 1.5 seconds to get a value
from the sensor. */
while (int i, i < 30, i++){ //!!!!!!!!!!THIS LINE IS MY PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!
sum = sum + sonar.ping_cm();
int average_distance = sum/30;
/* Using the value, we send a signal to the relay
depending on whether someone is detected less than
130 cm away. We also pause for a second for good
measure. */
if (average_distance < 130){
digitalWrite(LIGHT, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LIGHT, LOW);