I need help with software IDEs. (Windows)

I have tried multiple IDEs and obviously the new 0022 here and nothing non of them work I do have java I have the newest version of java and jdk. All that happens is the program shows the little the start up thing and on the bar taskbar/toolbar at the bottom the java sign shows up that's it no program no IDE shows up if you don't know the answer how can I use Visual C++ as an IDE I believe I was reading it earlier but I can't find it now. Please help I just received Arduino today and really want to test out some stuff.

Run arduino.exe from a command shell. Any errors displayed in the command shell window?

No errors still doesn't work it just has the java sign and says sketch ??? .

Remove Java and reinstall?

I have tried multiple IDEs and obviously the new 0022 here

....well its not far off a year old,. so not so 'new'.
But where can I find out about the next Ver1 release?


there is an Arduino plugin for visual c++ with auto complete and all the other features visual studio offers however it is only works with The professional version, meaning if you have the free express version of VS it will not work.

I just got the new 0023 and still nothing.

Can you post the exact output you get when you run arduino.exe from a command shell?