Hi everybody! How to connect to ports PB6, PB7, PB0 on arduino NANO ATmega168? What pins correspond to PB6, PB7, PB0 on the Arduino NANO ATmega 168 board? I looked that these pins correspond to the contacts of the ATmega168 microcontroller 7,8,12, and I need to connect to the contacts 7,8, 12 of the ATmega 168 microcontroller.
I found this with a quick Google search on;
'Arduino NANO ATmega 168 board'
ATmega168/328P-Arduino Pin Mapping
Does it help ?
#define PIN_PD0 0
#define PIN_PD1 1
#define PIN_PD2 2
#define PIN_PD3 3
#define PIN_PD4 4
#define PIN_PD5 5
#define PIN_PD6 6
#define PIN_PD7 7
#define PIN_PB0 8
#define PIN_PB1 9
#define PIN_PB2 10
#define PIN_PB3 11
#define PIN_PB4 12
#define PIN_PB5 13
#define PIN_PC0 14 // A0
#define PIN_PC1 15 // A1
#define PIN_PC2 16 // A2
#define PIN_PC3 17 // A3
#define PIN_PC4 18 // A4
#define PIN_PC5 19 // A5
#define PIN_PB6 20 // XTAL1
#define PIN_PB7 21 // XTAL2
#define PIN_PC6 22 // RESET
and where to physically connect the wires to get to the pins PB6, PB7, PB0? This question excites me, on the hardware.
A combination of the 168 datasheet and the schematic for the board you are using will tell you exactly where those pins are.
Are the pins on your board numbered ?
I dont think the ATmega128 boards are Arduinos (i.e produced by Arduino) so there would be no official or standard pin reference.
PB6 and PB7 are the pins that the crystal is connected to.
Making connections to these pins may interfere with the correct operation of the crystal oscillator, and could prevent the whole Arduino from working.
I once bought quickly without reading the description and ended up with a "nano" clone that had a 168 fitted! I seem to recall that the board had the same pinout as the real nano.
Why do you want to connect to PB6/PB7? As already stated, these are the crystal pins. You cannot use these pins on any Nano board - no matter if 328 or 168 processor.
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