I need to upload my sketch

Continuing the discussion from Issue with the new mobile cloud editor:

just bring back the old editor Arduino T_T I need to upload my sketch for my project

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Hi @cxnvass.

Hi @crem_merc.
I just tried it and the "old" editor works fine for me. It might have been a temporary problem that was fixed since then.

Please note that the "old" editor will be shut down very soon so we should focus our attention on making sure you are able to use the "new" editor instead of any problems with reverting to the doomed "old" editor.

Please provide a detailed description of the problem you are having with the "new" Cloud Editor in a reply here on the forum thread, including:

  • What did you do?
  • What were the results you expected from doing that thing?
  • What were the results you observed that did not match your expectations?

Make sure to include the full and exact text of any error or warning messages you might have encountered.

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