Hello Im a beginner with arduino I made a bluetooth controlled car (basic) and it worked the next day when I turned it on the arduino didn't get powered only the L298N motor driver got powered I unplugged the batteries and then plugged in the cable to my laptop then it started smoking I instantly unplugged it then I unplugged all the pins and I tried to plug it again now it didn't smoke but the RX and the TX leds where on I noticed there is a tiny hole in the atmel Mega328pb chip I tried uploading an empty sketch but it gave me "avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00" Error
Yup, you burned it. You'll have to replace the microcontroller and perhaps even the entire UNO. And of course be more careful next time.
Welcome! With this as a hobby you will have many ups and downs. Here are some simple rules to follow:
Gil's Crispy Critter Rules, they apply to processor hardware:
Rule #1. A Power Supply the Arduino is NOT!
Rule #2. Never Connect Anything Inductive (motor, speaker) to an Arduino!
Rule #3 Don't connecting or disconnecting wires with power on.
Rule #4 Do not apply power to any pin unless you know what you are doing.
Rule #5 Do not exceed maximum Voltages.
Rule #6 Many will not power a transmitter.
Rule #7 Take a break and check the wiring before powering the project.
LaryD's Corollary's
Coro #1 when first starting out, add a 220R resistor in series with both Input and Output pins.
Coro #2 buy a DMM (Digital Multi-meter) to measure voltages, currents and resistance.
Violating these rules tends to make crispy critters out of Arduinos.
Hint: It is best to keep the wires under 25cm/10" for good performance.
Good Luck and have fun!
You can use the toasted one as a paper weight.
no not that one there is a burnt like hole
That was molded into the part when it was manufactured. It is a common identifier for pin one on thousands of ICs. If you strip away the plastic the only thing there would be a lead frame and possibly a bond wire. When it frys it cooks the actual chip which is generally located in the center of the package.
You can fry a chip and there will be no noticeable change on the package.
Can you post a clear photo of this please?
If it is a burnt hole then yes you have burned out your Uno. So replace the chip if you can. Get one with a boot loader already installed.
But it doing what ever you did wrong to blow it could have damaged other chips that show no physical damage so a new chip would not solve the problem and you would need a new Uno.
Can you say what you were doing when it burned. That might help us to spot what you did wrong and how to avoid it happening again.