I tried making a pokeball image with my oled and it worked the first time with my code but not 2nd, pls help :(

I tried making a pokeball image with my oled and it worked the first time with my code however when I answered correctly first of all it didnt pop up on lcd, at the same time oled didnt show anything either, however the wiring is fine and other image examples such as heart worked fine to be used multiple times. I tried asking chat gpt for help but it destroyed my image. Can I have some help please?

This code is supposed to be a spell checking device for kids to type letters on a keypad and check for spelling thus learn. The way it should work is you type your word with letters , it spell checks the word and you get a "incorrect!" or a "correct!" then you try again. there are a few parts which are plans for newer features i will soon add. It also displays the image of the word on the OLED and you type words that appear in the LCD screen.
here is the code:

#include <Wire.h>
#include <SparkFun_Qwiic_Keypad_Arduino_Library.h>

#include <SparkFun_Qwiic_OLED.h> // Include the SparkFun Qwiic OLED library

const int mercurySwitchPin = 2;  // Replace with the actual pin number where the switch is connected
int Mercury = 0;
#include <SerLCD.h>
SerLCD lcd;
// Initialize TwoWire objects for two keypads

TwoWire Wire1;

TwoWire Wire2;

// Initialize keypad objects

KEYPAD keypad1;

KEYPAD keypad2;

// Variables to hold the current state

String finalString = "";

boolean startMessageShown = false;

// List of words for the game

String words[] = {/*"smile","circle","triangle","rectangle","diamond","square","heart",*/"heart"}; //smile","circle","triangle","rectangle","diamond", //{"smile","circle","triangle","rectangle","diamond","square","heart"};

int arraySize = sizeof(words) / sizeof(words[0]);

String currentWord;

// Declare width and height as global variables

int width;

int height;

int index;

// Mapping for keypad 1

char keypad1Mapping[4][3] = {

{'a', 'b', 'c'},

{'d', 'e', 'f'},

{'g', 'h', 'i'},

{'*', 'j', 'k'}


// Mapping for keypad 2

char keypad2Mapping[4][3] = {

{'l', 'm', 'n'},

{'o', 'p', 'q'},

{'r', 's', 't'},

{'u', 'v', '#'}


// Enum to represent the game state

enum GameState {





// Initialize game state

GameState currentState = WAIT_FOR_START;

QwiicMicroOLED myOLED; // Create an instance of the Qwiic Micro OLED object

void setup(void) {

   pinMode(mercurySwitchPin, INPUT);  // Set the pin as an input

Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communication


// Check if keypads are connected

if (keypad1.begin(Wire1, 0x4B) == false || keypad2.begin(Wire2, 0x2A) == false) {

Serial.println("One or both keypads do not appear to be connected. Please check wiring. Freezing...");

while (1);


// Initialize the OLED device and related graphics system

if (myOLED.begin() == false) {

Serial.println("Device begin failed. Freezing...");

while (1);


// Save device dims for the test routines

width = myOLED.getWidth();

height = myOLED.getHeight();

// Seed the random number generator


Serial.println("Initial analogRead(0): " + String(analogRead(0)));

Serial.println("Array Size: " + String(arraySize));

int randomIndex = random(arraySize);

Serial.println("Random Index: " + String(randomIndex));


int generateRandomIndex(int arraySize) {

long seed = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {

seed ^= long(analogRead(0)) << i;




int randomIndex = random(arraySize);

return randomIndex;


// Function to draw a circle

  void drawCircle(int width, int height) {

  myOLED.circle(width / 2, height / 2, height / 4); // Center at (width/2, height/2) with radius height/4

void drawPokeBall(int width, int height) {
  int circleCenterX = width / 2;
  int circleCenterY = height / 2;
  int circleRadius = height / 4;
  int pixelOffRadius = width / 15;
  int offsetY = 1;

  myOLED.circle(circleCenterX, circleCenterY, circleRadius);

  int x1 = circleCenterX - circleRadius;
  int x2 = circleCenterX + circleRadius;
  int y = circleCenterY + offsetY;
  int y2 = circleCenterY - offsetY;

  myOLED.line(x1, y, x2, y);
  myOLED.line(x1, y2, x2, y2);

  int radius = width / 12;
  for (int y3 = -radius; y3 <= radius; y3++) {
    for (int x3 = -radius; x3 <= radius; x3++) {
      if (x3 * x3 + y3 * y3 <= radius * radius) {
        myOLED.pixel(circleCenterX + x3, circleCenterY + y3);

  int radius3 = width / 14;
  for (int y5 = -radius3; y5 <= radius3; y5++) {
    for (int x5 = -radius3; x5 <= radius3; x5++) {
      if (x5 * x5 + y5 * y5 <= radius3 * radius3) {
        myOLED.pixel(circleCenterX + x5, circleCenterY + y5);

  for (int y6 = -pixelOffRadius; y6 <= pixelOffRadius; y6++) {
    for (int x6 = -pixelOffRadius; x6 <= pixelOffRadius; x6++) {
      if (x6 * x6 + y6 * y6 <= pixelOffRadius * pixelOffRadius) {
        myOLED.pixel(circleCenterX + x6, circleCenterY + y6, false);

  int radius4 = width / 19;
  for (int y6 = -radius4; y6 <= radius4; y6++) {
    for (int x6 = -radius4; x6 <= radius4; x6++) {
      if (x6 * x6 + y6 * y6 <= radius4 * radius4) {
        myOLED.pixel(circleCenterX + x6, circleCenterY + y6);


// Function to draw a square

  void drawSquare(int width, int height) {

  int sideLength = min(width, height) / 2; // Ensure the square fits within the screen

  int x = width / 2 - sideLength / 2;

  int y = height / 2 - sideLength / 2;

  myOLED.rectangle(x, y, sideLength, sideLength); // Top-left corner at (x, y) with side length 'sideLength'


// Function to draw a rectangle

    void drawRectangle(int width, int height) {

    myOLED.rectangle(width / 4, height / 4, width / 2, height / 4); // Top-left corner at (width/4, height/4), width width/2, height height/4


// Function to draw a Pokeball 
 /*   void drawPokeBall(int width, int height){

 int circleCenterX = width / 2;
int circleCenterY = height / 2;
int circleRadius = height / 4;
int radius = width / 12;
int radius2 = width / 13;
int offsetY = 1; // Offset from the middle in the y direction
int pixelOffRadius = width / 15;
int radius3 = width / 14;
int radius4 = width / 19;

int x1 = circleCenterX - circleRadius;
int x2 = circleCenterX + circleRadius;
int y = circleCenterY + offsetY;
int y2 = circleCenterY - offsetY;
 myOLED.circle(width / 2, height / 2, height / 4); // Center at (width/2, height/2) with radius height/4
 myOLED.line(x1, y, x2, y);
 myOLED.line(x1, y2, x2, y2);
 for (int y3 = -radius; y3 <= radius; y3++) {
    for (int x3 = -radius; x3 <= radius; x3++) {
      if (x3 * x3 + y3 * y3 <= radius * radius) {
        myOLED.pixel(circleCenterX + x3, circleCenterY + y3);
   // Draw the black circle
  for (int y5 = -radius3; y5 <= radius3; y5++) {
    for (int x5 = -radius3; x5 <= radius3; x5++) {
      if (x5 * x5 + y5 * y5 <= radius3 * radius3) {
        myOLED.pixel(circleCenterX + x5, circleCenterY + y5);

  // Turn off pixels coincident with the pixelOffRadius
  for (int y6 = -pixelOffRadius; y6 <= pixelOffRadius; y6++) {
    for (int x6 = -pixelOffRadius; x6 <= pixelOffRadius; x6++) {
      if (x6 * x6 + y6 * y6 <= pixelOffRadius * pixelOffRadius) {
        myOLED.pixel(circleCenterX + x6, circleCenterY + y6, false); // Turn off the pixel
 // Draw the filled circle at the center
  for (int y6 = -radius4; y6 <= radius4; y6++) {
    for (int x6 = -radius4; x6 <= radius4; x6++) {
      if (x6 * x6 + y6 * y6 <= radius4 * radius4) {
        myOLED.pixel(circleCenterX + x6, circleCenterY + y6);

// Function to draw a triangle

    void drawTriangle(int width, int height) {

    myOLED.line(width / 4, 3 * height / 4, width / 2, height / 4); // First line

    myOLED.line(width / 2, height / 4, 3 * width / 4, 3 * height / 4); // Second line

    myOLED.line(3 * width / 4, 3 * height / 4, width / 4, 3 * height / 4); // Third line


// Function to draw a diamond shape

     void drawDiamond(int width, int height) {

     int centerX = width / 2;

     int centerY = height / 2;

     int halfDiag = 10; // Half of the diagonal length

    // Calculate corner points

     int topX = centerX;

     int topY = centerY - halfDiag;

     int bottomX = centerX;

     int bottomY = centerY + halfDiag;

      int leftX = centerX - halfDiag;

      int leftY = centerY;

     int rightX = centerX + halfDiag;

     int rightY = centerY;

  // Draw lines to form the diamond

    myOLED.line(topX, topY, leftX, leftY); // Top to left

    myOLED.line(topX, topY, rightX, rightY); // Top to right

    myOLED.line(bottomX, bottomY, leftX, leftY); // Bottom to left

    myOLED.line(bottomX, bottomY, rightX, rightY); // Bottom to right


// Function to draw a completely filled heart shape

  void drawFilledHeart(int width, int height) {

  int centerX = width / 2;

  int centerY = height / 2;

  // Fill the two circles for the lobes of the heart

    for (int y = -10; y <= 10; y++) {

    for (int x = -10; x <= 10; x++) {

    if (x*x + y*y <= 100) {

    myOLED.pixel(centerX - 10 + x, centerY - 10 + y);

    myOLED.pixel(centerX + 10 + x, centerY - 10 + y);




  // Fill the inverted V shape for the bottom part of the heart

    for (int y = 0; y <= 25; y++) {

    for (int x = -15 + y; x <= 15 - y; x++) {

    myOLED.pixel(centerX + x, centerY + y);



  // Fill the small gap between the circles and the triangle

   for (int y = -10; y <= 0; y++) {

   for (int x = -10; x <= 10; x++) {

   myOLED.pixel(centerX + x, centerY + y);



  // Update the display



// Function to draw a smile
     void drawSmile(int width, int height) {
    // Draw eyes

     int eyeRadius = 4;

     int leftEyeX = width / 2 - 5;

     int rightEyeX = width / 2 + 5;

     int eyeY = height / 2 - 5;

      myOLED.circle(leftEyeX, eyeY, eyeRadius);

      myOLED.circle(rightEyeX, eyeY, eyeRadius);

    // Draw mouth

      int mouthRadius = 8;

      int mouthX = width / 2;

      int mouthY = height / 2 + 2;

      for (int i = 0; i <= 180; i++) {

       int x = mouthX + mouthRadius * cos(i * PI / 180.0);

       int y = mouthY + mouthRadius * sin(i * PI / 180.0);

      myOLED.pixel(x, y);



  //Loop contains actions for the game
void loop() {
  // Read the state of the mercury switch
     int switchState = digitalRead(mercurySwitchPin);

    // Check if the switch is on (HIGH)
    if (switchState == HIGH) {
       Mercury = 1;
     } else {
     Mercury = 0;

    // Print the state to the serial monitor (optional)
  // Update keypad states



  // Read button presses

   char button1 = keypad1.getButton();

    char button2 = keypad2.getButton();

  // Game state logic

   switch (currentState) {

    case WAIT_FOR_START:

  // Show start message once

    if (!startMessageShown) {
    lcd.println("Press # to start.");
    Serial.println("Press # to start the game.");

   startMessageShown = true;


  // Start the game when # is pressed

    if (button2 == '#') {

    currentState = IN_GAME;

    finalString = "";

    index = generateRandomIndex(arraySize);

    currentWord = words[index];

    Serial.println("Game started, you must match with the word " + currentWord + ". Begin typing.");
    lcd.println("Spell The Image!");


  // Word to OLED picture
    if (currentWord == "rectangle") {

   drawRectangle(width, height);

   } else if (currentWord == "circle") {

   drawCircle(width, height);

   } else if (currentWord == "square") {

   drawSquare(width, height);

   } else if (currentWord == "triangle") {

    drawTriangle(width, height);

    } else if (currentWord == "smile") {

   drawSmile(width, height);

   } else if (currentWord == "diamond") {

   drawDiamond(width, height);

   }else if (currentWord == "heart") {

    drawFilledHeart(width, height);

   } else if (currentWord == "pokeball") {

    drawPokeBall(width, height);

   //myOLED.erase(); // Clear the display



  // Handle keypad 1 input
    case IN_GAME:

    if (button1 != 0) {

    int row = (button1 - '1') / 3;

    int col = (button1 - '1') % 3;

    if (button1 >= '1' && button1 <= '9') {

    finalString += keypad1Mapping[row][col];

   } else if (button1 == '0') {

   finalString += keypad1Mapping[3][1]; // 'j'

   } else if (button1 == '*') {

   if (finalString.length() > 0) {

   finalString.remove(finalString.length() - 1);


   } else if (button1 == '#') {

   finalString += keypad1Mapping[3][2]; // 'k'



  // Handle keypad 2 input

   if (button2 != 0) {

   if (button2 >= '1' and button2 <= '9') {

   finalString += char('l' + (button2 - '1'));

   } else if (button2 == '0') {

   finalString += 'v';

   } else if (button2 == '*') {

   finalString += 'u';

   } else if (button2 == '#') {

   Serial.println("Submitted: " + finalString);

   if (finalString == currentWord) {

   Serial.println("Correct! Press # to play again.");
   lcd.println("Correct, (#)");

   currentState = WAIT_FOR_RESTART;

   } else {

   Serial.println("Incorrect word. Try again.");
   lcd.println("Incorrect. Try again!");

   finalString = "";




  // Restart the game when # is pressed

    if (button2 == '#'); // if (Mercury = 1)

    currentState = IN_GAME;

    finalString = "";

    index = generateRandomIndex(arraySize);

    currentWord = words[index];

    Serial.println("Game started, you must match with the word " + currentWord + ". Begin typing.");

    myOLED.erase(); // Clear the display


  //The if statements below link the 'random work' to a image displayed on the OLED

    if (currentWord == "rectangle") {

    drawRectangle(width, height);

    } else if (currentWord == "circle") {

    drawCircle(width, height);

    } else if (currentWord == "square") {

    drawSquare(width, height);

    } else if (currentWord == "triangle") {

    drawTriangle(width, height);

    } else if (currentWord == "smile") {

    drawSmile(width, height);

    }else if (currentWord == "diamond") {

    drawDiamond(width, height);

    }else if (currentWord == "heart") {

    drawFilledHeart(width, height);








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That won't win you any friends here I am afraid. What do you mean when you say that it destroyed your image ?

How much of the code do you know works by testing it separately before incorporating it into the full sketch ?

Almost all the code works except the LCD for start new question, it works up until you answer, however once answered the lcd shows nothing.

as for the other question, I mean chatgpt changed it every time I ask it to fix the image, it makes it into an odd arrangement of circles such as a donut shape or everything but the center, etc.
heres an image of the pokeball's supposed to be image:

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