I want to change the button with encoder and add another 2 products and add GM65 scanner

#include <Wire.h>

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); // set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display

int pot = A0 ;

int pot_value ;

int button = 2 ;

int button_state ;

int button_switcher ;

String skin_type ;

String real_skin_type ;

String skin_feature ;

String real_skin_feature ;

String product_code ;

String real_product_code ;

String suitable_care ;

long message ;

int result ;

void setup() {



lcd.setCursor(3, 0);

lcd.print("Hello, world!");


pinMode ( button , INPUT_PULLUP ) ;


void loop() {

/*if (Serial1.available() > 0 ){

message  = Serial1.read () ;

Serial.println( message ) ;


button_state = digitalRead( button ) ;

pot_value = analogRead( pot ) ;

if ( button_state == LOW) {

button_switcher += 1 ;

delay (250);

//Serial.print( button_switcher ) ;


if ( button_switcher == 1 ) {

Serial.println( "Inter Your Skin Type : " ) ;

lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

lcd.print("Inter Your Skin Type : ");

if ( pot_value > 255 &&  pot_value < 512 ) {

  skin_type = "Oily" ;

  Serial.print( "skin type : " ) ;

  Serial.println( skin_type ) ;


else  if ( pot_value > 512 &&  pot_value < 767 ) {

  skin_type = "Comination" ;

  Serial.print( "skin type : " ) ;

  Serial.println( skin_type ) ;


else if ( pot_value > 767 &&  pot_value < 1023 ) {

  skin_type = "Normal" ;

  Serial.print( "skin type : " ) ;

  Serial.println( skin_type ) ;




else if ( button_switcher == 2 ) {

Serial.println( "Inter Your Skin feature : " ) ;

real_skin_type  = skin_type ;

if ( pot_value > 200 &&  pot_value < 400 ) {

  skin_feature = "Acne" ;

  Serial.print( "skin feature : " ) ;

  Serial.println( skin_feature ) ;


else  if ( pot_value > 400 &&  pot_value < 600 ) {

  skin_feature = "Dark Spots" ;

  Serial.print( "skin feature : " ) ;

  Serial.println( skin_feature ) ;


else if ( pot_value > 600 &&  pot_value < 800 ) {

  skin_feature = "Senstive" ;

  Serial.print( "skin feature : " ) ;

  Serial.println( skin_feature ) ;


else  if ( pot_value > 800 &&  pot_value < 1000 ) {

  skin_feature = "Dryness" ;

  Serial.print( "skin feature : " ) ;

  Serial.println( skin_feature ) ;




else if ( button_switcher == 3 ) {

Serial.println( "Scan Your Product : " ) ;

real_skin_type  = skin_type ;

real_skin_feature  = skin_feature ;

if ( pot_value > 200 &&  pot_value < 400 ) {

  product_code = "product 1" ;

  Serial.print( "Product code : " ) ;

  Serial.println( product_code ) ;


else  if ( pot_value > 400 &&  pot_value < 600 ) {

  skin_feature = "product 2" ;

  Serial.print( "Product code : " ) ;

  Serial.println( product_code ) ;


else if ( pot_value > 600 &&  pot_value < 800 ) {

  skin_feature = "product 3" ;

  Serial.print( "Product code : " ) ;

  Serial.println( product_code ) ;


else  if ( pot_value > 800 &&  pot_value < 1000 ) {

  skin_feature = "product 4" ;

  Serial.print( "Product code : " ) ;

  Serial.println( product_code ) ;




else if (button_switcher == 4 ) {

real_skin_type  = skin_type ;

real_skin_feature  = skin_feature ;

real_product_code = product_code ;

choose () ;


else if ( button_switcher == 5 ) {

Serial.print( "skin type : " ) ;

Serial.println( skin_type ) ;

Serial.print( "skin feature : " ) ;

Serial.println( skin_feature ) ;


button_switcher = 0 ;

real_skin_feature = skin_feature ;



if ( real_skin_type == "Oily" && real_skin_feature == "Acne" ) {

suitable_care = "AA" ;


else if ( real_skin_type == "Oily" && real_skin_feature == "Dark Spots" ) {

suitable_care = "AB" ;


else if ( real_skin_type == "Oily" && real_skin_feature == "Senstive" ) {

suitable_care = "AC" ;


else if ( real_skin_type == "Oily" && real_skin_feature == "Dryness" ) {

suitable_care = "AD" ;


else if ( real_skin_type == "Combination" && real_skin_feature == "Acne" ) {

suitable_care = "BA" ;


else if ( real_skin_type == "Comination" && real_skin_feature == "Dark Spots" ) {

suitable_care = "BB" ;


else if ( real_skin_type == "Comination" && real_skin_feature == "Senstive" ) {

suitable_care = "BC" ;


else if ( real_skin_type == "Combination" && real_skin_feature == "Dryness" ) {

suitable_care = "BD" ;


else if ( real_skin_type == "Normal" && real_skin_feature == "Acne" ) {

suitable_care = "CA" ;


else if ( real_skin_type == "Normal" && real_skin_feature == "Dark Spots" ) {

suitable_care = "CB" ;


else if ( real_skin_type == "Normal" && real_skin_feature == "Senstive" ) {

suitable_care = "CC" ;


else if ( real_skin_type == "Normal" && real_skin_feature == "Dryness" ) {

suitable_care = "CD" ;



void choose () {

if ( suitable_care == "AA" && real_product_code == "product 1" ) {

result = 1 ;


if ( suitable_care == "AB" && real_product_code == "product 1" ) {

result = 0 ;


if ( result == 1 ) {

Serial.print( "Your choosen Product is : " ) ;

Serial.println( "Suitable" ) ;


else if ( result == 0 ) {

Serial.print( "Your choosen Product is : " ) ;

Serial.println( "Unsuitable" ) ;



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Do we get a hint of what the problem(s) might be?

What does the improperly posted code actually do?
What is the improperly posted code supposed to do?

What Arduino board are you using?

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