I am working on sim module SIM700E-h and using Sakura Sim Card. I want to use this sim module for data(internet).So according to me we need to check 3 things.
International data roaming is enabled in the module
Make sure that the module is set to ONLY connect to 4G LTE networks
Make sure that the APN of the module is set to 'sakura'
So, i am using Arduino IDE for making serial communication with the module.
(2)I have set the module to LTE only by using the AT Command AT+CNMP
(3) I have set the module APN to sakura using AT Command AT+CGDCONT
But i am unable to enable data roaming I checked command AT+CREG which gives output (0,3) but I want output to be (0,5) So you help me to enable data roaming to make AT+CREG to (0,5) i have attached the sim module manual too.https://www.waveshare.com/w/upload/6/6d/SIM7600E-H-4G-HAT-Manual-EN.pdf
I have Arduino Nano too , so if there is any so;ution using Arduino it would be helpful.