I want to make a packet analyser with arduino is it possible?

Hi there, I'm curious and I wanted to know if it's possible to make a packet analyser with an arduino uno or arduino nano, if yes, which components did I need? How do I get the correct code for that?
If no, how can I make a packet analyser without arduino?
Thanks in advance

You will get far better answers if you tell the forum what type of 'packet' you are referring to and what is producing this 'packet'.

A sensor that could tell what flavour of crisps are in a 'packet' would be a significant challenge.

I mean a packet which can send commands to a computer cmd some commands

A sensor that could tell what flavour of crisps are in a 'packet' would be a significant challenge.

That should be easy - assuming retail packaging.

I mean a packet which can send commands to a computer cmd some commands

This however is much harder. That kind of packets don't come with an easy to read bar code printed on them.

OP: you have to describe "packet" in detail.

That should be easy - assuming retail packaging.

Reading the retail packaging only tells you what should be in the packet ...................

I saw on the web we can make a packet analyser which can collect informations from computer so I want to make this but I don't know how and which materials I need I just want to make an arduino circuit which can send commands to the computer cmd and collect informations

How are those packets transferred? Network? Serial? ... ?

Instead of throwing vague descriptions, describe what you really want to achieve. Else your project is doomed before it starts.

Not enough detail by a very long way.

What information or 'cmd's are you sending to the computer ?

What information or 'cmd's are you collecting from the computer ?

What is the 'computer' ?

What is a 'comptuter cmd ' ?

How is the 'computer' connected, if at all, to an Arduino ?


First figure out how to analyze the packet.

Then decide whether Arduino would be suitable.

First figure out how to analyze the packet.

I think that would already be step 2 in the process, with step 1 being: figure out what the packet is supposed to look like, and how the data of interest is likely to be encoded in it.

Then you can have an idea on how it could be read & analysed.

The arduino will be connected by serial, once he's connected he open the cmd (sorry if it's not the name of this but I'm french and we are bad in English) then, he send a command for example tree c:/ who give name of everything store on the computer and the informations are save on the arduino flash or on a sd card connected to the arduino board.
Sorry if I'm not able to make it clear but it's difficult to explain and I'm bad in english.
I hope you will understand what I mean thanks for the help

The arduino will be connected by serial

Then there won't be any packets, just a stream of characters (usually 11 bits per character, including the start and stop bits).

Yup I mean he will just collect informations

Then there is nothing to analyze. So what is your real question?

How can I can make an arduino which can send a specific command to a computer and collect the '' answer'' of the computer and save her on the arduino or on a sd card?

The Arduino part is easy. Send commands to the PC using Serial.print(). For input, start by studying Serial Input Basics.

However, you also need a program running on the PC that listens to the serial port and responds to commands from the Arduino.

Okay thanks but the idea is I can plug the arduino on a lambda computer without installing anything

If the mysterious "lambda computer" does exactly what you want, fantastic!

Idk if a computer can read commands from arduino without installing a software on it and idk how i can specify to open the cmd and send the command on it

To issue a command from an Arduino, you need an Arduino that can act as a HID. For windows, send (this opens the start menu), type run followed by , type the command followed by .

You can issue a command and redirect the output to a serial port. It might be a bit trickier than that though if it involves lots of data.

Note: there is a French section on the forum where you can ask in your native language.