I want to switch on and off a 415 volt lathe machine motor using arduino???
I want to switch on and off a 415 volt lathe machine motor using arduino???
You have not provided very much information so I am unable to give much advice beyond a suggestion that you provide more information.
I presume a 415v machine operates on 3-phase power?
How do you propose to ensure that the lathe is only powered up when it is safe to do so? - even if your Arduino program goes wrong?
Sounds like an SSR activating a 3-phase contactor might be needed... Does the motor have soft-start? Do you have details?
And HOW is it switched on/off today?
I m working on intigration of lathe machine with IOt
So first operation is on and off of the switch of the lathe machine having supply of 3phase 415 volt.
So i need a suggestion on how can i use a relay switch spdt type so can i can connect it with arduino..
I m working on intigration of lathe machine with IOt
So first operation is on and off of the switch of the lathe machine having supply of 3phase 415 volt.
So i need a suggestion on how can i use a relay switch spdt type so can i can connect it with arduino..
And still no answers to the questions. How is it currently being switched? How much current is the starting current for the lathe that much be switched? How big is the motor?
And WHY do you want a spdt type relay? Surely you have access to industrial contactors that can handle the lathe and the three poles that must be switched together.
Switching on/off rotating machines without mechanical interlocks to suitable is very hazardous .
For switching , google a suitable sized contactor and operate that with a relay via your interlocks