I2C address, Decimal or Octal?

Why do some examples for both TinyWireS and Wire libraries use decimal and some use Octal for the address?
Does it make a difference as long as I use the same in both the master and slave? The LCD I am using has an Octal address so I will probably use that base for the four ATTiny85 slaves, just trying to wrap my head around why to use one or the other, or if I can use both.
Does Arduino automatically convert decimal to Octal in the wire library?

decimal and octal is just a representation of the number, it doesn't matter which representation you take as long as they represent the same number.

e.g. master uses octal 12 slave uses decimal 10 or hexadecimal 0x0A

Thanks, cool, not easy or good for this old brain to learn anything too new, it's full and something important might slosh out.

in printing it is quite easy to see:

void setup()

  int x = 10;
  Serial.println(x, DEC);
  Serial.println(x, OCT);
  Serial.println(x, HEX);

  for (uint8_t base=2; base<17; base++) Serial.println(x, base);

void loop(){}