I2C and Arduino UNO

Hello again! earlier today i posted about an I2C display that simply refused to work with standard I2C library because a custom ST7032 controller. Someone linked me to a library compatible with that ST7032 and the display works like a charm, now i move on to the next part of the project. a brief description of this project:
Full arduino controlled Switch Mode Power Supply with voltage and current control & feedback
Step one was to figure out how the * i will control that display - step done
Step two is to configure the 4 push buttons that are connected to a PCF85741 I2C I/O expander.
It's adress is 0x27 and i need to figure out how to read it
Wire library should support this IC but i need to figure out how to setup functions that make use of those buttons. could someone help me with some advices/code?

This may help.

Want to figure it all out yourself? Read the datasheet :slight_smile:

Else maybe A class for PCF8574 in the Arduino playground.

Want to figure it all out yourself? Read the datasheet :slight_smile:

Else maybe A class for PCF8574 in the Arduino playground.

i tried to install that library from the playground, i don't understand why it's not loaded

Please describe the exact steps that you did.

Please describe the exact steps that you did.

I did manage after all to set up the lib. the problem now i try to figure out is that if i use both libraries (St7037 and PCF8574 i get some kind of conflict in the arduino micro itself that doesn't let it communicate with the display and the expander although both chips have different adresses