#include <Servo.h>
#include <ServoEasing.h>
#include <IBusBM.h>
#include <AccelStepper.h>
#include <Wire.h>
// pins 2-13 control the DC motors
#define motorW1_IN1 6
#define motorW1_IN2 7
#define motorW2_IN1 4
#define motorW2_IN2 5
#define motorW3_IN1 2
#define motorW3_IN2 3
#define motorW4_IN1 13
#define motorW4_IN2 10
#define motorW5_IN1 8
#define motorW5_IN2 9
#define motorW6_IN1 11
#define motorW6_IN2 12
// Attach SDA and SCL to pins 20 and 21
ServoEasing servoW1;
ServoEasing servoW3;
ServoEasing servoW4;
ServoEasing servoW6;
ServoEasing servoCamTilt;
// pins 45-46 control the pan stepper
AccelStepper camPanStepper(1, 46, 45); //(Type:driver, STEP, DIR) - Stepper1
IBusBM IBus;
IBusBM IBusSensor;
//int angle = 0; // servo position in degrees
int ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6 = 0;
int servo1Angle = 90;
int servo3Angle = 90;
int servo4Angle = 90;
int servo6Angle = 90;
int s = 0; // rover speed
int r = 0; // turning radius
//int m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6;
int camTilt = 90;
int camPan = 0;
float speed1, speed2, speed3 = 0;
float speed1PWM, speed2PWM, speed3PWM = 0;
float thetaInnerFront, thetaInnerBack, thetaOuterFront, thetaOuterBack = 0;
float d1 = 271; // distance in mm
float d2 = 278;
float d3 = 301;
float d4 = 304;
byte x = 0;
int MODE = 3;
void setup() {
Use this if you need to change the frequency of the PWM signals
TCCR4B = TCCR4B & B11111000 | B00000101; // D6,D7,D8 PWM frequency of 30.64 Hz
TCCR2B = TCCR2B & B11111000 | B00000111; // D9, D10 PWM frequency of 30.64 Hz
TCCR1B = TCCR1B & B11111000 | B00000101; // D11, D12 PWM frequency of 30.64 Hz
TCCR5B = TCCR5B & B11111000 | B00000101; // D4, D13 PWM frequency of 30.64 Hz
TCCR3B = TCCR3B & B11111000 | B00000101; // D2, D3, D5 PWM frequency of 30.64 Hz
IBus.begin(Serial1, IBUSBM_NOTIMER); // Servo iBUS
IBusSensor.begin(Serial2, IBUSBM_NOTIMER); // Sensor iBUS
IBusSensor.addSensor(IBUSS_INTV); // add voltage sensor
// pins 22-26 control the servos
camPan = 0;
camTilt = 90;
// DC Motors
// Motor Wheel 1 - Left Front
digitalWrite(motorW1_IN1, LOW); // PWM value
digitalWrite(motorW1_IN2, LOW); // Forward
// Motor Wheel 2 - Left Middle
digitalWrite(motorW2_IN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorW2_IN2, LOW);
// Motor Wheel 3 - Left Back
digitalWrite(motorW3_IN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorW3_IN2, LOW);
// right side motors move in opposite direction
// Motor Wheel 4 - Right Front
digitalWrite(motorW4_IN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorW4_IN2, LOW);
// Motor Wheel 5 - Right Middle
digitalWrite(motorW5_IN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorW5_IN2, LOW);
// Motor Wheel 6 - Right Back
digitalWrite(motorW6_IN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorW6_IN2, LOW);
void loop() {
// Reading the data comming from the RC Transmitter
// remember the IBus routine decrements the channel number by one, so sticks are channels 1-4
ch0 = IBus.readChannel(0); // left-right steering
ch1 = IBus.readChannel(1); // camera tilt
ch2 = IBus.readChannel(2); // throttle
ch3 = IBus.readChannel(3); // camera pan
ch4 = IBus.readChannel(4); // fwd / rvs gear (SWA)
ch5 = IBus.readChannel(9); // lights on/off (SWD)
ch6 = IBus.readChannel(8); // light setting a/b/c (SWC)
// at present, SWB, VRA, and VRB are unused
// send color and light mode to AUX board; ch5 is power, ch6 selects the animation
if (ch5 > 1500) {
if (ch6 < 1300) {
MODE = 0;
else if (ch6 < 1700) {
MODE = 1;
else if (ch6 > 1700) {
MODE = 2;
else {
MODE = 3;
// As long as ch5 and ch6 are unchanged, do nothing. If they've changed, send the new mode.
if (MODE != OLDMODE) {
// Converting the incoming data
// Steering right
if (ch0 > 1515) {
r = map(ch0, 1515, 2000, 1400, 600); // turning radius from 1400mm to 600mm
// Steering left
else if (ch0 < 1485) {
r = map(ch0, 1485, 1000, 1400, 600); // turning radius from 600mm to 1400mm
// Rover speed in % from 0 to 100
s = map(ch2, 1000, 2000, 0, 100); // rover speed from 0% to 100%
// Camera head steering
if (ch1 < 1485 ) {
if (camTilt >= 35) {
if (ch1 > 1515 ) {
if (camTilt <= 165) {
servoCamTilt.startEaseTo(camTilt); // Camera tilt
if (ch3 >= 1000 && ch3 < 1485) {
camPan = map(ch3, 1000, 1485, 800, 0);
else if (ch3 > 1515 && ch3 <= 2000) {
camPan = map(ch3, 1515, 2000, 0, -800);
else {
camPan = 0;
camPanStepper.setSpeed(camPan); // Camera pan
// Steer right
if (ch0 > 1515) {
// Servo motors
// Outer wheels
servoW1.startEaseTo(97 + thetaInnerFront); // front wheel steer right
servoW3.startEaseTo(97 - thetaInnerBack); // back wheel steer left for overall steering to the right of the rover
// Inner wheels
servoW4.startEaseTo(94 + thetaOuterFront);
servoW6.startEaseTo(96 - thetaOuterBack);
// DC Motors
if (ch4 < 1500) { // Move forward
// Motor Wheel 1 - Left Front
analogWrite(motorW1_IN1, speed1PWM); // Outer wheels running at speed1 - max speed
digitalWrite(motorW1_IN2, LOW);
// Motor Wheel 2 - Left Middle
analogWrite(motorW2_IN1, speed1PWM);
digitalWrite(motorW2_IN2, LOW);
// Motor Wheel 3 - Left Back
analogWrite(motorW3_IN1, speed1PWM);
digitalWrite(motorW3_IN2, LOW);
// right side motors move in opposite direction
// Motor Wheel 4 - Right Front
digitalWrite(motorW4_IN1, LOW);
analogWrite(motorW4_IN2, speed2PWM); // Inner front wheel running at speed2 - lower speed
// Motor Wheel 5 - Right Middle
digitalWrite(motorW5_IN1, LOW);
analogWrite(motorW5_IN2, speed3PWM); // Inner middle wheel running at speed3 - lowest speed
// Motor Wheel 6 - Right Back
digitalWrite(motorW6_IN1, LOW);
analogWrite(motorW6_IN2, speed2PWM); // Inner back wheel running at speed2 - lower speed
else if (ch4 > 1500) {
// Motor Wheel 1 - Left Front
digitalWrite(motorW1_IN1, LOW); // Outer wheels running at speed1 - max speed
analogWrite(motorW1_IN2, speed1PWM);
// Motor Wheel 2 - Left Middle
digitalWrite(motorW2_IN1, LOW);
analogWrite(motorW2_IN2, speed1PWM);
// Motor Wheel 3 - Left Back
digitalWrite(motorW3_IN1, LOW);
analogWrite(motorW3_IN2, speed1PWM);
// right side motors move in opposite direction
// Motor Wheel 4 - Right Front
analogWrite(motorW4_IN1, speed2PWM);
digitalWrite(motorW4_IN2, LOW); // Inner front wheel running at speed2 - lower speed
// Motor Wheel 5 - Right Middle
analogWrite(motorW5_IN1, speed3PWM);
digitalWrite(motorW5_IN2, LOW); // Inner middle wheel running at speed3 - lowest speed
// Motor Wheel 6 - Right Back
analogWrite(motorW6_IN1, speed2PWM);
digitalWrite(motorW6_IN2, LOW); // Inner back wheel running at speed2 - lower speed
// Steer left
else if (ch0 < 1485) {
// Servo motors
servoW1.startEaseTo(97 - thetaOuterFront);
servoW3.startEaseTo(97 + thetaOuterBack);
servoW4.startEaseTo(94 - thetaInnerFront);
servoW6.startEaseTo(96 + thetaInnerBack);
// DC Motors
if (ch4 < 1500) { // Move forward
// Motor Wheel 1 - Left Front
analogWrite(motorW1_IN1, speed2PWM); // PWM value
digitalWrite(motorW1_IN2, LOW); // Forward
// Motor Wheel 2 - Left Middle
analogWrite(motorW2_IN1, speed3PWM);
digitalWrite(motorW2_IN2, LOW);
// Motor Wheel 3 - Left Back
analogWrite(motorW3_IN1, speed2PWM);
digitalWrite(motorW3_IN2, LOW);
// Motor Wheel 4 - Right Front
// right side motors move in opposite direction
digitalWrite(motorW4_IN1, LOW);
analogWrite(motorW4_IN2, speed1PWM);
// Motor Wheel 5 - Right Middle
digitalWrite(motorW5_IN1, LOW);
analogWrite(motorW5_IN2, speed1PWM);
// Motor Wheel 6 - Right Back
digitalWrite(motorW6_IN1, LOW);
analogWrite(motorW6_IN2, speed1PWM);
else if (ch4 > 1500) { // Move backward
// Motor Wheel 1 - Left Front
digitalWrite(motorW1_IN1, LOW); // PWM value
analogWrite(motorW1_IN2, speed2PWM); // Forward
// Motor Wheel 2 - Left Middle
digitalWrite(motorW2_IN1, LOW);
analogWrite(motorW2_IN2, speed3PWM);
// Motor Wheel 3 - Left Back
digitalWrite(motorW3_IN1, LOW);
analogWrite(motorW3_IN2, speed2PWM);
// Motor Wheel 4 - Right Front
// right side motors move in opposite direction
analogWrite(motorW4_IN1, speed1PWM);
digitalWrite(motorW4_IN2, LOW);
// Motor Wheel 5 - Right Middle
analogWrite(motorW5_IN1, speed1PWM);
digitalWrite(motorW5_IN2, LOW);
// Motor Wheel 6 - Right Back
analogWrite(motorW6_IN1, speed1PWM);
digitalWrite(motorW6_IN2, LOW);
// Move straight
else {
// DC Motors
if (ch4 < 1500) {
// Motor Wheel 1 - Left Front
analogWrite(motorW1_IN1, speed1PWM); // all wheels move at the same speed
digitalWrite(motorW1_IN2, LOW); // Forward
// Motor Wheel 2 - Left Middle
analogWrite(motorW2_IN1, speed1PWM);
digitalWrite(motorW2_IN2, LOW);
// Motor Wheel 3 - Left Back
analogWrite(motorW3_IN1, speed1PWM);
digitalWrite(motorW3_IN2, LOW);
// right side motors move in opposite direction
// Motor Wheel 4 - Right Front
digitalWrite(motorW4_IN1, LOW);
analogWrite(motorW4_IN2, speed1PWM);
// Motor Wheel 5 - Right Middle
digitalWrite(motorW5_IN1, LOW);
analogWrite(motorW5_IN2, speed1PWM);
// Motor Wheel 6 - Right Back
digitalWrite(motorW6_IN1, LOW);
analogWrite(motorW6_IN2, speed1PWM);
else if (ch4 > 1500) {
// Motor Wheel 1 - Left Front
digitalWrite(motorW1_IN1, LOW); // all wheels move at the same speed
analogWrite(motorW1_IN2, speed1PWM); // Forward
// Motor Wheel 2 - Left Middle
digitalWrite(motorW2_IN1, LOW);
analogWrite(motorW2_IN2, speed1PWM);
// Motor Wheel 3 - Left Back
digitalWrite(motorW3_IN1, LOW);
analogWrite(motorW3_IN2, speed1PWM);
// right side motors move in opposite direction
// Motor Wheel 4 - Right Front
analogWrite(motorW4_IN1, speed1PWM);
digitalWrite(motorW4_IN2, LOW);
// Motor Wheel 5 - Right Middle
analogWrite(motorW5_IN1, speed1PWM);
digitalWrite(motorW5_IN2, LOW);
// Motor Wheel 6 - Right Back
analogWrite(motorW6_IN1, speed1PWM);
digitalWrite(motorW6_IN2, LOW);
// Monitor the battery voltage
int sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
float voltage = sensorValue * (5.00 / 1023.00) * 3.02; // Convert the reading values from 5v to suitable 12V
// Send battery voltage value to transmitter
IBusSensor.setSensorMeasurement(1, voltage * 100);
void calculateMotorsSpeed() {
// if no steering, all wheels speed is the same - straight move
if (ch0 > 1485 && ch0 < 1515) {
speed1 = speed2 = speed3 = s;
// when steering, wheels speed depend on the turning radius value
else {
// Outer wheels, furthest wheels from turning point, have max speed
// Due to the rover geometry, all three outer wheels should rotate almost with the same speed. They differe only 1% so we asume they are the same.
speed1 = s;
// Inner front and back wheels are closer to the turing point and have lower speeds compared to the outer speeds
speed2 = s * sqrt(pow(d3, 2) + pow((r - d1), 2)) / (r + d4);
// Inner middle wheel is closest to the turning point, has the lowest speed
speed3 = s * (r - d4) / (r + d4);
// speed value from 0 to 100% to PWM value from 0 to 255
speed1PWM = map(round(speed1), 0, 100, 0, 255);
speed2PWM = map(round(speed2), 0, 100, 0, 255);
speed3PWM = map(round(speed3), 0, 100, 0, 255);
void calculateServoAngle() {
// Calculate the angle for each servo for the input turning radius "r"
thetaInnerFront = round((atan((d3 / (r + d1)))) * 180 / PI);
thetaInnerBack = round((atan((d2 / (r + d1)))) * 180 / PI);
thetaOuterFront = round((atan((d3 / (r - d1)))) * 180 / PI);
thetaOuterBack = round((atan((d2 / (r - d1)))) * 180 / PI);