I see two potential problems. One I do not have a clue if it is connected properly, an annotated schematic would be a big help. Two there is more then one library with that name, not sure which one you have. Mine needs a statement lcd.begin(), That Initializes the interface to the LCD screen. It also specifies the display configuration ie width and height in characters of the display. Note begin() must be called before any other LCD library commands.
For an I2C LCD display to work, the I2C address and the I2C backpack to LCD pin mapping must be correct. If the library default settings for either or both are not correct the LCD will not work. You can try to figure out the right pin mapping and use an I2C scanner to find the address, but if you install and usethe hd44780 library that is done automatically by the library.
To install the hd44780 library. The hd44780 library is the best available for I2C LCDs. The library is available in the Library Manager. Go to Library Manager (in the IDE menus, Sketch, Include Libraries, Manage Libraries) and in the Topics dropdown choose Display and in the Filter your search box enter hd44780. Select and install the hd44780 library by Bill Perry.
The class that you want to use is the hd44780_I2Cexp class. There are examples to show how to use the library. The nice thing about the hd44780 library is that it will autodetect the I2C address and the I2C backpack to LCD pin mapping.
In the examples, there is a diagnostic sketch that will help us to help you if you still have trouble with the display. Run the diagnostic sketch and post the results.
For best help, post a schematic showing how the display should be connected and photos showing how it is connected.
with some new LCD_i2c DFR0063 DFROBOT (new = with 2 connectors HE10) there are problems.
Those LCDs work with UNO board but not with nano every.
There are 2 mosfet transistors between four 10K resistors, bottom center on the board I2C.
Just remove them.
they are sometimes triggered and produce disturbances on the I2C bus.